Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/326

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312 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. 551^. Peasants dancing. Sale. London, 1858 (268 : 153., with a picture by G. Dou, bought in). 552. A Rustic Couple dancing at an Inn. In a spacious barn- like interior with many picturesque accessories a large company of peasants are assembled to celebrate the golden wedding of a jovial rustic couple. They are eating and drinking. A musician strikes up a dance tune. An old man with a comical air has risen and invites an old woman to dance. The half-shadow is fine. Panel, i8 inches by 15 inches. Sale. Khalil Bey, Paris, January 16, 1868, No. 91. 553- Peasants dancing at an Inn. Sm. 75, and Suppl. 30. In a large rustic interior about twenty-three persons are assembled. Almost in the centre foreground a well-dressed couple dance to the music of a fiddler ; the man rests one hand on his hip, and holds his cap behind him in the other hand. Near the fiddler sit two merry peasants and a woman with a child standing at her side. The other people eat and drink at a table. In an adjacent room on the left two men and two women converse ; one man drinks. In front are two dogs ; one licks a plate. To the left is a cat on a chair. With various domestic accessories. Signed, and dated 1645 ; panel, 17^ inches by 26 inches. Sales. Regaris, Brussels, 1775 (510 florins). J. Pompe van Meerdervoort, Soeterwoude, May 19, 1780, No. 4 (1900 florins, Bertels). Walckiers, 1793. In the collection of Baron Delessert, Paris, 1829-42 (Sm.). Sale. Delessert, Paris, March 15, 1869 (23,500 francs). 554. Peasants dancing at an Inn. In an inn room a peasant sits on a stool, playing the fiddle. An old peasant couple dance to the music, while others stand round and watch them. A boy drinks from a jug which his laughing mother hands him. Various accessories. Signed, and dated 1636 ; panel, 17 inches by 20 inches. Sales. Vanderbueken of Louvain, Brussels, 1840. J. J. Chapuis, Brussels, December 4, 1865, No. 293 (1325 francs, De Haest of Antwerp). Antoine Sils, Antwerp, March 21, 1882, No. 34. 554^7. Peasants dancing and Love-making. Panel, 17 inches by 20 inches. Sale. Berkeley Sheffield and others, London, April 28, 1902, No. 45. 554^. Peasants dancing in an Interior. Some sing, drink, and smoke. Panel, 18 inches by 26 inches. Sale. Van der Oudermeulen and others, Amsterdam, April II, 1904, No. 991. 555. The Little Dancing Party in the Barn. On the right, near the open door of the barn, a fiddler and a bagpiper, standing on a raised