Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/327

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE platform, play dance music. A couple dance in front of them. At the door, through which bright daylight enters, a stout man sits facing the spectator ; behind him is another man. In front of these, but not in the full light, are two peasants, one of them with his back to the spectator. In the left centre, behind two children playing with a jug on the floor, are another couple dancing. Between the two couples two other seated figures are seen at the back. On the ground in front a puppy gnaws a bone. Described from an engraving by J. de Visscher (Wessely, 57). 556. The Village Wedding (or, " Het Boere Bruitje "). Sm. 185. In a spacious barn six persons are grouped round a table on the right. A girl with a garland on her head sits on a bench in profile to the right ; a peasant seated to the left kisses her. On the left, farther back, a girl with a garland on her head, apparently the bride, sits behind a table, feeing the spectator ; above her is a rustic canopy, close to the wall. Beside her to the left stands a peasant ; two others recline at the table. Farther left, where the barn goes back, a young fiddler and a youth with a hurdy-gurdy are playing. Farther left, three peasants converse. Behind them, in half-shadow, are other figures. In the extreme right of the middle distance sits a drunken peasant. Described from an engraving by J. de Visscher (Wessely, 58). 557. BOISTEROUS PEASANTS AT AN INN. A peasant and a woman dance madly to the music of a fiddler who stands on a cask. Five peasants look on, drinking and conversing. A good early work. Panel, 15 inches by 24^ inches. Exhibited in the Hoogendijk collection, Rotterdam, 1899, No. 2. In the Hoogendijk collection, The Hague ; now exhibited on loan at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam ; 1907 catalogue, second supplement, No. 1821^. 558. BOISTEROUS PEASANTS AT AN INN. A peasant with a jug in his left hand stands singing in front of a tub-chair ; another peasant embraces a woman seated at his side. By the fireside are other figures. An early work of little importance. Panel, 7^ inches by 9 inches. In the Zweibriicken Gallery. In the Augsburg Museum, 1899 catalogue, No. 584. 559. A BALLAD SINGER AND SEVEN OTHER FIGURES. An early work. In the collection of Earl Brownlow, Belton House, Grantham. 560. PEASANTS AT AN INN. Peasants drinking. An old woman with a boy feeding a dog. Farther back is a man smoking a pipe ; beyond is a man embracing a woman. An early work, much repainted. 17 inches by 23 inches. In the Caen Museum, Mancel collection ; 1897 catalogue, No. 1 6. 561. BOISTEROUS PEASANTS AT AN INN. In the right foreground of a humble room a drunken peasant dances. To the left of