Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/342

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328 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. 6 1 6. A Peasant Brawl. In a barn-like room four men have come to blows. A woman tries to make peace ; another woman, who is in tears, appears at the half-open door. Panel, 8| inches by 1 1 inches. Sale. F. R. Berthold, C. G. Hartmann, D. P. Cepero, and others, Cologne, December 9, 1898, No. 99. 617. THE FIGHT OVER CARDS. Sm. 220, and Suppl. 103. In an interior, lighted from the left by a window with one casement open, four peasants sit at a table. The two nearer men, sitting opposite each other, have quarrelled over cards and threaten each other. On the right, farther back, stands a man whom his wife holds back by the arm. The two other men at the table and a woman try to calm the disputants. In the left foreground the host goes off for help ; a little child, standing by a bench with his back to the spectator, puts his right hand up to the table. [Compare 609.] Signed, and dated 1658 ; panel, 17 J inches by 14 inches. Mentioned by Waagen, Suppl. 99. Engraved by J. Suyderhoef (Wussin, 127) as "The Schnicker Snee" ; Wussin wrongly states that the original is at Munich (confusing it with 609, which Suyderhoef did not engrave) and refers to a picture in England, entitled " Snic and Snec," as a replica. Engraved also by F. A. David as " Le Plaissi Inter- rompu," and by A. Juppe. Sales. (Possibly) Chevalier de la Roque, Paris, 1745 (25 francs) though that might have been 609. Amsterdam, June 26, 1709, No. 13 (1700 florins, I. Schmidt). In the collection of Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart., London, 1842 (Sm.). This collection was sold in London, February 6, 1864. If, therefore, the picture did not pass from it to the Baring collection before 1864, Sm. Suppl. 103, identified with this in Sedelmeyer's catalogue, must have been another version of the subject, with the same dimensions. In the collection of Thomas Baring, London, 1854 (Waagen). Sales. Prince Demidoff, San Donate, near Florence, March 15, 1888, No. 1122. E. Secretan, Paris, July I, 1889, No. 149. In the possession of the Vienna dealer Miethke, 1895. In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer, "Catalogue of 100 Paintings," 1899, No. 33. 6170. A Brawl at an Inn. Identical in composition with 618. Pendant to 576*. Exhibited at St. Petersburg, 1908, No. 363, as a Bega. In the collection of I. P. Balaschscheff, St. Petersburg. 6 1 8. A Brawl at an Inn. A peasant stands in the centre, grasping the hair of a man stooping down by a table that has been overturned, and threatening him with the knife in his uplifted right hand. The threatened man looks round anxiously at his adversary who stands behind him j he too holds a knife in his right hand. To the left of him kneels a woman ; she grasps the stooping man with her right hand to pull him back and lifts up her left arm to ward off his opponent's stab. To the right of the