Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/343

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 329 group, another peasant is restrained by an old woman from joining in the fray. Behind him to the left, in shadow, a woman is about to separate the combatants. In the left background a woman lying on the floor defends herself against a drunkard armed with a fork. Wrongly catalogued by Sm. as the work of Isack van Ostade (Sm. 2). [Pendant to 591. Compare 617^.] Panel, 15 inches by 2iJ inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, i. 100. Engraved by J. Pelletier as " La Colere des Buveurs." Sale. Comte de Vence, Paris, February n, 1761 (260 francs, with pendant). In the collection of M. E. A. J. van den Meersche, Ghent, 1791. In the collection of Countess Vilain XIII., Schloss, Wetteren, 1827. Sale. Count Ph. Vilain XIII. and De R , Paris, May 2, 1857, No - Io - Described from a reproduction in a sale catalogue dating from between 1899 and 1909. 619. A Brawl at an Inn. Signed, and dated 1658 ; panel, 8| inches by 10^ inches. Sale. C. Bowyer and others, London, February 17, 1906, No. 44. 620. PEASANTS CONVERSING AT AN INN. Sm. 19, 49, and Suppl. 22. In the centre sits a peasant, in profile to the left, filling his pipe. Farther back sit a stout woman and another peasant. On the right, behind the man with the pipe, a third peasant, who is in his shirt sleeves, stands leaning on the back of the chair in front of him, and smoking. All three listen to a fourth man, who stands in profile to the right at the fireside, a little way to the left, and is about to raise an earthenware jug to his lips. To the left of him, and nearer the front, a little girl stands on a three-legged chopping-block, eating a plate of broth ; a dog begs for some of the broth. On the extreme left is a window, half cut off by the frame. At a window in the right background, three figures are at a table, and two others stand before it, conversing. On the floor are strewn pots and pans. "Few pictures by the master possess in an equal degree the variety of character observable in this composition. . . . A superlative picture " (Sm.). Signed in full on the right at foot, and dated 1661 ; copper, 15 inches by 19 inches. Engraved by D. A. Dunker in the Choiseul Gallery, No. 16. Mentioned by Descamps ; and by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, i. 138, 194, and ii. 187. Sales. N. C. Hasselaar, Amsterdam, April 26, 1742 (525 florins) accord- ing to Willem Lormier's store-room catalogue of December 1754- Probably not to be identified with any one of the Hasselaar pictures mentioned by Hoet and by Sm. (i, 2, 3) ; see 628, 675, 676. Willem Lormier, The Hague, July 4, 1763, No. 207 (1000 florins). Julienne, Paris, March 30, 1767 (7410 francs, Boileau). Due de Choiseul, Paris, 1772 (8000 francs). Dubarry, Paris, March 17, 1777 (7250 francs). Servad, Amsterdam, June 25, 1778, No. 62 (2900 florins, Fouquet). Claude Tolozan, Paris, February 28, 1801 (7025 francs).