Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/378

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364 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. Prince de Conti, Paris, April 8, 1777 (2550 francs). Chevalier Lambert et du Porail, Paris, March 27, 1787 (2555 francs). Prince de Talleyrand, Paris, July 7, 1817, No. 23 ; the collection was bought as a whole before the sale by the London dealer W. Buchanan. In the collection of Edward Gray, Harringay House, Hornsey, 1829 (Sm.). 7180. Interior with Peasants smoking and drinking. Sale. P. A. de Genestet, Amsterdam, August 23, 1831, No. 100 (2 florins, 75). 719. Peasants at an Inn. A peasant sits holding a beer-jug on his knee, while he converses with a man standing before him. Behind him are a woman and a child. Three other figures complete the com- position. [Pendant to 761.] Panel, 12 inches by n inches. Sales. J. B. van Lancker, Antwerp, 1835, No. 79 (230 florins, Woodin). Grimond and others, London, May 25, 1903, No. 114. 719*7. An Interior. Sales. Geddes, London, 1835 (.87, Mapleson). 720. Interior with Peasants smoking and drinking. At the hearth on one side sits a woman whom a man embraces. Signed in full ; panel, 13 inches by 12 inches. Sale. Franzi, Amsterdam, October 5, 1837, No. 34 (25 florins, Poster). 720*. A Merry Rustic Company. Sale. (Supplementary) Amsterdam, October 4, 1838, No. 55 (12 florins). 721. The Interior of an Inn. Sm. 129. [Possibly identical with 726 and 846.] Sales. Sir Simon Clarke, Bart., and George Hibbert, London, May 14, 1802 (304 : ios.). (Possibly) Sir Simon Clarke, Bart., London, May 8, 1840 (325 : ios., Nieuwenhuys) according to a MS. note by Sm. in his own copy of his catalogue. 7210. Four Peasants at an Inn. Three, grouped round a cask, laugh and drink. The fourth stands on the right, holding a glass. Panel, 4! inches by 4 inches. Etched by A. van Ostade. Sale. Schamp d'Aveschoot, Ghent, September 14, 1840, No. 123. 722. Peasants in a Country Inn. Sm. 100, and Suppl. 135. Beside a large chimney-piece with a blazing fire are three peasants. The nearest man, in a dark-blue jacket and red cap, sits with his back to the spectator, holding a jug. He looks at his companions, one of whom sits on a low tub-chair, while the other takes a pipe from his mouth. Close to the hearth, a boy fondles a dog. Farther back two men pay the hostess their reckoning. On the left is a window with four casements,