Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/379

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 365 through which is seen a cottage. A step-ladder and a bird - cage are among the accessories. [Possibly identical with 723.] Signed, and dated 1648 ; panel, 18 inches by 14^ inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, ii. 250. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1815. Safes. Beaujon, Paris, 1787 (3000 francs). Sabatier, Paris, March 20, 1809 (9001 francs, Paillet). London, 1827 (173 : 5s., bought in). Sold by Sir Abraham Hume, Bart., to Thomas Barnett, 1828 (Sm.). Sold by Sm. to Letellier, Paris, 1841. 723. Three Artisans and a Boy in an Interior. Sm. Suppl. 100. The room has a large window and a projecting chimney-piece. One man, in a dark jacket with yellow sleeves and a red cap, sits with his back to the spectator, holding a jug. He leans back in his chair, as if speaking to his companions who sit to the left. Near the fire a boy fondles a dog. At the back two men pay the hostess their reckoning. "A good picture" (Sm.). [Possibly identical with 722.] Panel, 17 inches by 15 inches. In the collection of J. S. Harford, Blaise Castle, 1842 (Sm.). 724. Ten Persons at an Inn. Sm. 193, and Suppl. 91. The nearest figure is that of a woman, seated in a chair and holding a tall glass ; she speaks to a man who stands before her with one hand to his hat. Behind her a man runs liquor from a cask. Beside him is another man with a fiddle. On the opposite side are a man, seen from the back, and a woman nursing a child, seated on a bench. At an arched doorway at the back are three other figures. Panel, 18 inches by 14 inches. Engraved in the Musee Napoleon. In the Louvre, 1806-15 (Sm.). In the Kassel Picture Gallery, 1842 (Sm.) ; but none of the pictures now there, all of which represent open-air scenes, accords with Sm.'s description. 725. Peasants in an Interior. Sm. Suppl. 66. In a cottage interior, with steps on the left that lead to a side room and have a board attached to the hand-rail, four men, two women, and a boy are in the centre. A man in a red jacket sits on a bench with his back to the spectator, tying his knee-band. Another man sits at a table in full face, holding a jug ; he speaks to his neighbour on the right who has just risen and stands listening, pipe in mouth. On the floor in front lies a dog asleep. There are various household utensils. " Painted in the artist's free manner " (Sm.). Panel, 10 inches by 13 inches. Sold by Sm. to Griffin of Liverpool. 726. Peasants at an Inn. Sm. 37, and Suppl. 134. Five peasants are grouped round a table in front of the fire. One, holding a beer-glass, addresses the rest. Another man, leaning on the back of a chair, listens to him. At the back a man and a woman converse. [Possibly identical with 721 and 846. Pendant to 747.]