Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/398

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384 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. Sale. Gerard Braamcamp, Amsterdam, July 31, 1771, No. 154 (1405 florins, P. Fouquet). In the Tillotson collection. In the Page collection, Paris, 1786. Sale. Walsh Porter, London, 1810 (273, Webster). 788^. Peasants outside a House. They sit or stand at a table. io inches by 9 inches. Sale. H. Hoogers, Nymwegen, June 7, 1816, No. 82. 788^. Peasants outside a House. With women and children. Sale. Amsterdam, January 25, 1825, No. 102 (61 florins, Gippers). 789. Peasants at a Cottage Door. Sm. Suppl. 109. A woman with a child in her arms sits beside the door of a picturesque vine-clad cottage. She looks at a peasant, holding a jug, who has just risen from his seat. His companion, wearing a yellow jacket with grey sleeves, sits to the left, holding a pipe and a charcoal pan. In a courtyard beyond is a group of five persons. " A brilliant example of the master " (Sm.). Panel, 14 inches by II inches. In the Belvedere Palace, Vienna, 1842 (Sm.) ; but not mentioned in the 1837 Belvedere catalogue, nor now to be found in the Hofmuseum, Vienna. 790. Outside the Inn. The inn walls are overgrown with vine. Three persons are grouped in front round a tub serving as table. A woman seated, holding a jug in one hand and a glass in the other, with a dog beside her, speaks to a man who stands filling his pipe. On the other side, a man in a blue jacket and red cap sits holding his pipe and listening. Through a door at the side are seen a woman and a child. Behind them are two children playing with a dog, and a cock and a hen. Two peasants play skittles. In a roofed shed adjoining the inn six men are grouped round a table. One man speaks to another who is outside near a larger tree. A light and clear picture. Signed; panel, 18 inches by 15 inches. Bought from M. R. Alpin (?) in 1862, through Sm. Sold in April 1862 to Edmund B. Foster. 791. Peasants resting outside an Inn. One man gives oats to a horse drawing a waggon. A woman, with two children near her, cleans a pot. Not far from her a peasant sits on a bank. On the road in the left background are waggons. Signed in full, and dated 1670 ; panel, 13 inches by 17^ inches. Sale. Comte de Bude de Ferney, Paris, April 8, 1864, No. 48. 79 1 a. Peasants smoking at a House Door. Sale. P. C. Crespigny, London, 1869 (171, Jones). 79 1/;. Peasants outside an Inn. Oval panel, 10 inches by 13! inches. Sale. Waller and others, London, July 7, 1900, No. 12.