Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/399

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 385 791^. Figures outside an Inn. Panel, 12 inches by 13! inches. Sale. Younge and others, London, November 22, 1902, No. 23. 791^. Figures outside an Inn. Panel, 19 inches by 27 inches. Sale. Thurlow and others, London, July 9, 1904, No. 57. 791*. Peasants outside the Village Inn; and, Peasants out- side a House. [Pendants.] Oval panel, 15 inches by 20 inches. Sale. London, February 5, 1906, No. 72. 79 1/ Horsemen and Figures outside an Inn. Panel, 18 inches by 23 inches. Sale. Miss M'Kie, London, May 6, 1907, No. 24. 791^. Figures outside a Cottage. Panel, 13 inches by io| inches. Sale. Miss M'Kie, London, May 6, 1907, No. 25. 79 1 h. Peasants outside a Country Inn. Panel, 9 inches by 12 inches. Sale. Sir George Dashwood and others, London, December 14, 1907, No. 125 Gio : i os., Cohen). 792. OUTSIDE THE INN. An .open space in front of an inn which stands to the left. In the centre two peasants and an old woman converse. One man, seen almost from the back, rests his left foot on a stool. The other man stands to the left, almost facing the spectator ; he holds a full beer-glass in his right hand and a pewter pot in his left. The woman stands behind ; only her head and right shoulder are visible. Farther back to the left two peasants sit drinking at a table in an arbour. A tilt-waggon goes away in the right middle distance down a road which descends to a village which is seen in the background. Panel, 9^ inches by i inches. Sales. Jos. Monchen and others, Amsterdam, April 30, 1907, No. 137 (1400 florins). Sir Charles Turner of London, Berlin, November 17, 1908, No. 62 (3500 mark). 793. A COUNTRY WEDDING. On the left is the gable end of a house towards the street. At the door stand people watching as the bride, led by two elderly women and preceded by two musicians, comes from the right. A dog barks ; two children look on from the right. On the left is the bridegroom, surrounded by noisy children. An elaborate composition of about forty figures. The colour shows little variety and is somewhat restless. An early work. Signed in full on the left at foot ; only the first two figures of the date are legible ; canvas, 25^ inches by 33 inches. VOL. Ill 2 C