Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/402

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388 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. Sm. Suppl. 55. The cottage is overshadowed by trees. In front are about eighteen persons. Two couples dance to the music of drum and flute played by a man standing on a tub. An old woman stands at the door looking on. In the right foreground are a woman seated with a child in her arms and two peasants, one of whom drains a tall glass. On the left is a group of three persons, smoking and drinking under a vine trellis. Of the mature period. Signed in full on the right, and dated 1654 ; panel, 14 inches by i8| inches. Mentioned by Waagen, iii. 264. In the collection of the Earl of Lonsdale, Lowther Castle, No. 92 ; it was there in 1842 (Sm.). 802. A MERRY PEASANT COMPANY IN AN INN GARDEN. It reminds one very strongly of J. M. Molenaer. Signed ; panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. In the Metz Museum, 1891 catalogue, No. 74. 803. A PEASANT COUPLE DANCING OUTSIDE AN INN. They are almost in the centre. They dance to the music of a fiddler and a young flute-player, who stand farther to the right. In front of them men and women look on. The nearest man sits on a cask with his back to the spectator. On the left a little boy sits on the ground playing with a dog. A little farther back a peasant sits on a chair lighting his pipe at a charcoal pan which he holds in his left hand. To the right of him, and farther back, behind a peasant, seated in full face, who watches the dancers, a man embraces a young woman. The hostess leans over the half-door close beside them on the right, and watches them. In the extreme left of the middle distance stands a peasant with his back to the spectator. A finely lighted picture of the period 1640-50 ; it is a brownish- yellow in tone, with a white cap to afford relief. Panel, 14^ inches by 19! inches. Acquired by the Empress Catherine II. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 945. 804. A LARGE COMPANY OF PEASANTS ON THE ROADSIDE IN FRONT OF AN INN. They are playing music and dancing. It reminds one strongly of similar compositions by Isack, even to the foliage and sky. It is related to 434, and might almost be its pendant. Signed. In the collection of Prince Jussupoff, St. Petersburg. 804*. A Village Fair. With numerous figures. Sale. Amsterdam, September 22, 1694 (Hoet, i. 19), No. 10 (120 florins). 804^. Peasants dancing in the Open Air. Sale. Adriaan van Hoek, Amsterdam, April 7, 1706 (Hoet, i. 88), No. 11 (400 florins). 804*:. A Country Fair. Sale. Amsterdam, May 25, 1712 (Hoet, i. 145), No. 45 (90 florins).