Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/403

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 389 804^. A Fair. Sale. David Grenier, Middelburg, August 18, 1712 (Hoet, ii. 361), No. 56 (20 florins). 804*. A Country Fair. Sale. Jacob van Leyen, Amsterdam, April 17, 1720 (Hoet, i. 247), No. 34 (24 florins). 804/1 A Country Fair. 30 inches by 42^ inches. Sale. Jaques Meyers, Rotterdam, September 9, 1722 (Hoet, i. 283), No. 184 (160 florins). 804^. A Village Fair. Sale. The Hague, May 19, 1723 (Hoet, i. 295), No. 4 (155 florins). 804/1. A Country Fair. Sale. The Hague, May 3, 1729 (Terw. 7), No. 84 (35 florins). 8o4/. Peasants singing and drinking outside a House. Signed, and dated 1659 ; 15^ inches by 18^ inches. Sale. Samuel van Huls, The Hague, September 3, 1737 (Hoet, i. 481), No. 36 (350 florins). 8047. Merry Peasants drinking outside an Inn. Signed in full, and dated 1659. Sale. Amsterdam, April 15, 1739 (Hoet, i. 578), No. 45 (420 florins). 804^. Peasants dancing outside a House. A rich composition of the best period. Sale. Guerin, The Hague, September 13, 1740 (Terw. 27), No. 17 No. 40 of the original catalogue (130 florins). 8047. A Country Fair. 43 inches by 57 inches. Sale. Izaak Hoogenb'ergh, Amsterdam, April 10, 1743 (Hoet, ii. 83), No. 28 (171 florins, Boreel). 805. A Village Fair. With many persons dancing. 1 6 inches by 20^ inches. Sale. Seger Tierens, The Hague, July 23, 1743 (Hoet, ii. 109), No. 170 (195 florins). 805/7. Shrove Tuesday. Sale. Sebastiaan Heemskerk, Amsterdam, March 31, 1749 (Hoet, ii. 234), No. 13 (10 florins 5). 805^. Merry Peasants outside a House. Sale. David letswaart, Amsterdam, April 22, 1749 (Hoet, ii. 249), No. 158 (27 florins). 8o5c. A Country Fair. With peasants dancing. 24 inches by 31 inches.