Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/414

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400 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. 841^. Two Peasants playing Cards in a Room. A third man stands by, looking on. Panel, 9^ inches by 16 inches. Sale. Daniel Marsbag and others, Amsterdam, October 30, 1775, No. 83. 841*:. Peasants playing Cards in a Room. Panel, io inches by 15 inches. Sale. Jonkheer P. Bout, The Hague, April 20, 1/79, No. 85 (10 florins 5). 841^. A Company of Peasants playing Cards. Panel, u inches by 15 inches. In the Kassel Academy, 1783 inventory, No. 51 ; but no longer to be found at Kassel. 841*. Three Peasants playing Cards in a Cottage. Much furniture and other things. Panel, 12 inches by 10 inches. Sale. P. J. Geelhand, Antwerp, July 5, 1784, No. 16. 842. Peasants playing Cards in an Inn. Sm. 114. Three peasants sit round a table, drinking and playing cards. A group of women are in front of the fire. Panel, 13^ inches by 22^ inches. Sale. Claude Tolozan, Paris, February 23, 1801 (2500 francs). In the collection of Sir G. Page Turner, Bart., whose sale was in 1815 (Sm.), 843. Three Men playing Cards. Sm. 52. They sit in the fore- ground of a room at a round stool, playing cards. One is dealing three cards to the man opposite him. [Compare 845^.] Canvas on panel, I2| inches by io| inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, ii. 230. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1818 (Sm.). Engraved by Greenwood from a picture in the possession of W. Baillie. Sales. Comte Dubarry, Paris, November 21, 1774 (501 francs). J. B. P. le Brun, Paris, September 29, 1806 (700 francs). A picture corresponding with this was in the collection of Ridley Colbourne, 1829 (Sm.) ; see 845^. 8430. The Card-Players. Three figures in a room. Good character- isation, perspective, and colour. Sale. London, June 13, 1807, No. 10 (6 1 : 195.). 843^. Peasants playing Cards in an Interior. They smoke and drink. Panel, 14 inches by io inches. Sale. Amsterdam, April 17, 1809, No. 70 (14 florins). 843*:. Peasants playing Cards in an Interior. Sm. 149. Sale. John Parke, London, 1812 (178 : ios.). 844. Three Peasants playing Cards in an Interior. Sm. 153. They drink and smoke. The centre man wears a red cap.