Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/415

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 401 Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1815. Sale. Hart Davis, London, 1814 (157 : ios.). In the possession of J. Graves, London, 1815. 844*2. Two Card -Players seated at a Table. A third man, holding a jug, stands behind them. Panel, 9 inches by 7^ inches. Sale. J. F. Wolschot, Antwerp, September I, 1817, No. 14. 844^. Card-Players at an Inn. In a rustic interior four peasants are grouped round a table. Two sit playing cards ; the others stand watch- ing. Not far away two boys empty a pot of broth. With a dog and various utensils. Said to be dated 1689 but Ostade died in 1685; u inches by 13 inches. Sale. De Burtin, Brussels, July 21, 1819, No. 118. 844*:. Four Card-Players in an Interior. An open door at one side. A fine effect of light. Panel. Sale. P. A. de Genestet, Amsterdam, August 23, 1831, No. 102 (3 florins, Buk). 844^. Peasants playing Cards and smoking in a Room. Panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. Sale. J. Roelofs, Amsterdam, October 29, 1846, No. 56. 844*. Peasants playing Cards and- drinking. They sit in a room. Two children stand behind a table. Signed, "A. v. O." ; panel, 15 inches by i8| inches. Sale. Jonkheer V. L. Vegelin van Claerbergen, Leeuwaarden, April 6, 1846, No. 71. 845. Four Card-Players in an Inn. Sm. 83. In a rustic interior four peasants play cards at a table. The nearest man wears a sheepskin jacket. Another speaks to a woman standing on the farther side of the table. A third sits on a three-legged stool. Three others are at the back. In front lies a dog, with many accessories. An " admirable picture " (Sm.). Signed, and dated 1655 ; panel, 19 inches by 16^ inches. Sale. Montribloud, Paris, February 9, 1784 (2000 francs). In the collection of William Wells, Redleaf, 1829 (Sm., who valued it at ,3o). Sale. William Wells of Redleaf, London, May 12, 1848 (204:155., Duke of Cleveland). 8450. Five Card-Players. A man in a yellow jacket has his back to the spectators. In the collection of Charles Bredel, London, 1854 (Waagen, ii. 290). 845^. Three Peasants playing Cards. See Sm. 52. [Com- pare 843.] VOL. Ill 2 D