Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/422

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4 o8 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. 869. Blindman's Buff. One man with a dark cap over his nose gropes his way forward. The other players tease him. Round a table, on which stands the village musician, are several hump-backed peasants. Mentioned by Paul Eudel, V Hotel Droitot en 1882, p. 43. Sale. Paris, January 27, 1882 (2300 francs). 8694. Men playing and smoking in an Inn. 10 inches by 10 inches. Sale. Woronzow, Florence, April 23, 1900, No. 488. 869^. The Gamblers. Engraved by J. G. Huquier. 869*:. The Nurse. Engraved by J. G. Huquier. 869^. A Skirmish. [Pendant to 86o/j Sale. Amsterdam, April 27, 1740 (Hoet, ii. 3), No. 45 (85 florins, with pendant). 869*. A Man going to the Chase. By Ostade and Dusart. Sale. Cornelis Dusart, Haarlem, August 21, 1708, No. 124. 869^ A Huntsman. [Pendant to 869^.] Sale. Amsterdam, April 27, 1740 (Hoet, ii. 3), No. 45 (85 florins, with pendant). 869^. A Country Barn with a Girl asleep. By Ostade and Dusart. Sale. Cornelis Dusart, Haarlem, August 21, 1708, No. 67. 869/2. Peasants asleep at Table. Sale. Anthony Deutz, Amsterdam, March 7, 1731 (Hoet, i. 361), No. 5 (26 florins). 869*'. A Peasant asleep, with Three Others. Panel, 1 1 inches by 9 inches. Sale. Pieck le Leu de Wilhelm, The Hague, May 20, 1777, No. 14. 870. The Weary Traveller. Sm. Suppl. 13. A young man, wearing a slouch hat, a whitish jacket, and grey breeches, lies asleep at the foot of a tree with a stick in his hand. A "well-studied work" (Sm.). [Pendant to 871.] Signed, and dated 1644 (?i664); panel, 5 inches by 7^ inches. In the collection of E. W. Lake, 1842 (Sm.). Sale. E. W. Lake, London, 1845 (17 : 175., Norton). 871. The Weary Traveller. Sm. Suppl. 14. An elderly peasant, wearing a purplish jacket and dark-grey breeches, lies on his back asleep, in front of an old brick archway. A "well-studied work" (Sm.). [Pendant to 870.] Signed, and dated 1664 (?i644) ; panel, 5^ inches by 7^ inches.