Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/421

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 407 > Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, i. 139; and by Descamps. Sale. Julienne, Paris, March 30, 1767 (2700 francs, Gueffier). In the collection of the Duchesse de Berry, at the Palais Bourbon, Paris, 1829 (Sm.). 865. Peasants playing Skittles. Nine figures. On a bench in front is a peasant. On the ground are two cocks in fighting trim. Quite in the style of Isack van Ostade. Signed, and dated 1655 (the last figure doubtful) j panel. Described by Waagen, ii. 335, and Suppl. 193, as by Isack van Ostade ; and by W. Burger, Tresor s d 1 Art en Angleterre, p. 314, as by Adriaen van Ostade. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857, No. 1020. Then in the collection of George Field, London. 866. Skittle-Players in the Open Air. A large picture badly restored in some places. Signed, and dated 1655. In the collection of Matthew Anderson, Jesmond Cottage, Newcastle, 1857 (Waagen, Suppl. 480). 866*. The Skittle-Players. Engraved by Fr. van den Steen. 867. Peasants playing and drinking. [Probably a pendant to 868.] 13 inches by nj inches. Sale. Jacomo de Wit, Antwerp, May 15, 1741, No. 131 (320 florins). 868. Peasants playing and drinking. [Probably a pendant to 867.] 13 inches by u| inches. Sale. Jacomo de Wit, Antwerp, May 15, 1741, No. 132 (320 florins). 868a. Peasants at play. [Pendant to 679/7.] 8 inches by 7 inches. Sale. Maria Beukelaar, Anthony de Waart, The Hague, April 19, 1752, No. 50 (20 florins). 868. Four Peasants playing and smoking. 10 inches by 8| inches. Sale. Capello, Amsterdam, May 8, 1767 (Terw. 591), No. 56 (51 florins). 868<r. A Picture with Peasants at play. Sale. The Hague, April 29, 1769, No. 16 (3 florins). 868</. Peasants at play in a Cottage. Panel, n inches by 14 inches. Sale. Von Scheibler, Aachen, September 13, 1842, No. 88. 868*. The Knotted Handkerchief; Peasants at play. Exhibited at Leeds, 1868, No. 718. Then in the collection of Major Hill M. Leathes.