Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/420

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406 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. 859. Peasants playing Skittles outside an Inn. Sm. 72. Numerous peasants smoke and drink. On the right some play skittles. A woman rests under a fine tree in the middle distance. Beyond, a church-spire rises above houses. Panel Sm. says, canvas 27^ inches by 24! inches. Sales. G. T. J. de Verhulst, Brussels, August 16, 1779, No. 104 (750 florins). Valued by Sm. in 1829 (at 315). 860. Peasants playing Skittles. In front two peasants play skittles. Two others converse. At the side, in front of a house, sits a man holding a beer-jug ; a woman with a child in her arms stands at the door. Other persons sit at a table, drinking. In the middle distance and background is the village, with numerous figures. Panel, 25 inches by 27 inches. Sale. Jos. Valette and others, Amsterdam, August 26, 1807, No. 161. 8600. Peasants playing Skittles outside a House. Others are amusing themselves in various ways. A view of the village. Sale. Amsterdam, April 13, 1819, No. 65 (15 florins 10, Gruyter). 861. Skittle-Players. Sm. 158. In front of some cottages are about ten peasants. Some play skittles ; one man throws the ball. Another reclines on a bench to the right of the player. A third man stands at the half-door of a house, looking on. In the middle distance is a picturesque pump. Panel, i6| inches by 19^ inches. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1819. In the collection of George Hibbert, London, 1829. 862. A Landscape with Peasants playing Bowls. Sm. 160. Others look on. Sales. Willett Willett, London, 1813 (92 : 8s., bought in). Willett Willett, London, 1819 (80 : 175.). 863. Peasants playing "Golf" outside an Inn. Sm. 81. A countrywoman, holding a beer-jug in her left hand and a glass in her right, sits beside a peasant who stands, filling his pipe. Another peasant smokes his pipe. Other men sit in a covered place, playing "golf"; near them are two children. Panel, 17! inches by 14 inches. Sales. P. Locquet, Amsterdam, September 22, 1783, No. 270 (925 florins, J. Luyten). J. A. Brentano, Amsterdam, May 13, 1822, No. 254 (340 florins). 864. Skittle -Players outside an Inn. Sm. 21. Numerous peasants smoke, drink, and play skittles. A boy plays the fiddle in front, and a man sits smoking his pipe. A landscape background with a village church-tower. Dated 1659 ; copper, 15 inches by 19 inches.