Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/468

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454 ISACK VAN OSTADE SECT. Panel, 24 inches by 18 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, August 8, 1804, No. 146. 490. A Waggon and Figures outside an Inn. Sale. H. Rereaux, Antwerp, January 2, 1810, No. 56. 50. Halting at an Inn. Outside a village inn is a post-waggon, with the two horses unharnessed. The driver drinks from a jug ; near him is the landlady with two children. At the side two peasants load a waggon j near them are a horseman and a woman seated on the ground with a child in her lap. At the side are a village church and houses. Many accessories. A spirited composition, masterly in treatment. [Possibly identical with 530 and 53^.] Canvas, 34 inches by 46 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, October II, 1810, No. 65 (130 florins, Schley). 51. Halting at an Inn. In front is a ruinous building with tall trees. Outside it travellers sit or stand. A man in a white shirt and low hat, seen from the back, sits conversing with another man who holds a stick and carries a pack on his back. Another man sits beside him with a dog. At the back are a woman and children. To the left a goat grazes. In the right foreground near some bushes is a shattered tree-stump. At the back is a traveller with a boy. Behind a bank are the roof of a cottage and some trees. Panel, 24 inches by 23^ inches. Sale. L. B. Coders, Amsterdam, August 7, 1811, No. 55 (350 florins, Josi). 52. Halting at an Inn. Outside a country inn is a cart with a grey horse feeding at a trough. In the cart a peasant grasps a barrel which another man hands up to him. By the wall on the right are three travellers ; one of them stands, with a pack on his back, conversing with another man who sits, pipe in hand. Near the door is a little child. Behind the trough is a boy on a chestnut horse ; another stands holding a jug. A woman is at work near a pump. In front are tree-stumps, a basket, a dog, a cock, and hens. At the back is a cottage. Panel, 24 inches by 28^ inches. Sale. L. B. Coders, Amsterdam, August 7, 1811, No. 56 (135 florins, Roos, bought in). 53. Outside an Inn. Two grey horses, one of them with a rider. Several other figures. Canvas, 39 inches by 55 inches. Sale. J. F. de Vinck de Wesel, Antwerp, August 16, 1814, No. 38 (700 francs). 530. Halting at a Village Inn. Country folk, a post-waggon, a cart, horses, children, and dogs. [Probably identical with 53^. Possibly identical with 50.] Canvas, 34 inches by 47 inches.