Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/473

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xi ISACK VAN OSTADE 459 Exhibited at Vienna, 1873, No. 127. Then in the collection of Anselm von Rothschild, Vienna. 71. Halting at an Inn. Sm. Suppl. 36. Outside an inn is a waggon with a grey horse and a bay. An ostler gives them water. A boy helps a lady in black with a white ruff to descend from the waggon ; she leans on the crupper of the bay horse. A cavalier in the waggon holds a coin to give to a beggar with a wooden leg. In front two children seated converse with a little girl who is standing with a dog beside her. Under a tree is an old man, holding a glass and conversing with a musician ; at his feet .is a jug. A peasant stands behind, listening to him. The landlord leans against the side of an arbour, with a boy, listening to the music. A pedlar rests his back against his stall. Near him a woman leads a child by the hand. On the same side is a beggar. At the back, under a tree, is a country coach ; ostlers give fodder to the horses. Farther away is the village church with a steeple. In front are a cock, two hens, and various objects. Panel, 25! inches by 33 inches. Exhibited at Vienna, 1873, No. 164. In the collection of Baron van Brienen van de Grootelindt, Amsterdam, 1842 (Sin.). Sales. Baron van Brienen van de Grootelindt of Amsterdam, Paris, May 8, 1865, No. 24 (25,100 francs). Lippmann von Lissingen of Vienna, Paris, March 16, 1876, No. 34 (11,500 francs). 72. Halting at an Inn. To the left-is a large inn. Outside it are merry peasants in a waggon with two horses which are feeding from a trough. Outside the door are other persons drinking and singing. Farther to the right, on the opposite side of the road, three persons sit conversing. Signed in full in the centre at foot, and dated 1640 ; panel, i8| inches by 25^ inches. Sale. Neven, Cologne, March 17, 1879, No. 166. 73. Halting at an Inn. Sm. 26, and Suppl. 19. On a bank in front sits a woman with a child in her lap, a boy at her side, and a man lying behind her. Near them stands a donkey. Almost in the centre are a man with a dead cock and a boy with a basket. Nearer to the front a dog drinks at a puddle. In the left middle distance are horsemen outside a cottage on a hill. [Identical with 55.] Panel, 22 inches by 18 inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, ii. 164. Sales. Choiseul-Praslin, Paris, February 18, 1793, No. 108 (5801 francs, Praslin). P. J. Hogguer, Amsterdam, August 18, 1817, No. 63 (1200 florins), Nieuwenhuizen). Sebastien Erard, Paris, April 23, 1831, No. 106 (5001 francs). Comte Philippe and R. Vilain XIV., Paris, May 2, 1857, No. II. Delamare, Rouen, December 7, 1868. Du Bus de Gisignies, Brussels, May 9, 1882, No. 55.