Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/474

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460 ISACK VAN OSTADE SECT. 74. THE HALT. In the centre, but a little to the right, is a large tree. In front is a cavalier on a grey horse, seen from the back in a three- quarter view to the right. A man shakes fodder into a trough for the horse. To the left, behind it, is another cavalier on a dun horse, seen almost in full face. Near him to the left is a boy with three dogs. To the right, near the tree, is an inn with peasants outside it, in shadow. To the left is a view of a village street, along which a man walks. Blue sky with clouds. Signed in full in the centre foreground, and dated 1646 j panel, 21 inches by 23! inches. Engraved by Gaujean. Sales. J. van Bergen van der Grijp and others, Soeterwoude, June 25, 1784, No. 37 (190 florins, Coders). Prince Demidoff, San Donato, near Florence, March 15, 1880, No. i no. E. Secretan, Paris, July 13, 1889, No. 7. H. B. Mildmay, London, June 24, 1893, No. 46 (^1522 : IDS.). In the collection of Henry Callcot Brunning. In the Scottish National Gallery, Edinburgh, 1909 catalogue ; bequeathed by H. C. Brunning, 1908. 75. HALTING AT AN INN. In front of a lofty oak in a pleasantly varied foreground is a cavalier on a grey horse, with a peasant on foot. They approach a village inn standing amid trees, with a church- tower rising beyond. To the right of the horseman a person seated on the ground converses with another. Outside the inn is a group of nine figures ; one feeds a horse. On the road are three pigs. To the right, almost opposite the inn, is a cornfield with a hedge. At the back is a range of hills. Canvas, 39 inches by 51 inches. In the collection of Edmund Higginson, Saltmarsh Castle, 1842 catalogue, No. 7. Sale. H. B. Mildmay, London, June 24, 1893, No. 47. 75#. Outside an Inn. On the left two horsemen halt. Behind them are two charcoal waggons outside a building with a square tower. To the right is a view of a flat landscape. Panel, 14 inches by i inches. Sale. Clave-Bouhaben, Cologne, June 4, 1894, No. 282. 76. Halting at an Inn. Outside a watch-tower used as an inn waggons and horsemen halt. In the right foreground a horse is being shod. Signed on the left at foot, and dated j panel, 22^ inches by 26 inches. Sale. Strakosch and others, Berlin, October 23, 1900, No. 20. 77. Outside an Inn. Horsemen halt. On the road in front are figures. Signed, and dated 1649 ; 41 inches by 60 inches. Sales. Sir W. W. Knighton, London, May 21, 1885 (.131 : 5s.). H. White and others, London, January 19, 1901, No. 40.