Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/481

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xi ISACK VAN OSTADE 467 skaters and sledges. Outside an inn in the middle distance halts a sledge drawn by two horses and containing two women. The driver stands near it. Signed in full ; panel, 15^ inches by 23 inches. Sale. Treuer and others, Frankfort-on-Main, April 27, 1891, No. 69. 97/>. Skaters outside an Inn. The inn is on the right. Panel, n| inches by I2| inches. Sale. Dr. H. Schulhof and others, Berlin, May 17, 1892, No. 16. 98. HALTING AT AN INN IN WINTER (or, View on a Canal in Winter). Sm. Suppl. 25. Among many figures a man in a yellow dress converses with the driver of a sledge on which is a cask. Beyond is another sledge drawn by a grey horse ; the driver stoops down. In the foreground are five boys ; two put on their skates, and a third sits on a board. " Painted in the artist's crisp or sparkling manner " (Sm.). Signed in full j oval panel, 10 inches by 13 inches. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1854. In the collection of Newington Hughes, Winchester, 1842 (Sm.). Sales. J. Newington Hughes, London, April 14, 1848 (^19:8:6, Norton). F. Leicester, London, May 1860. Kums, Antwerp, May 17, 1898, No. 123 (6500 francs, La Porte). 99. RIVER LANDSCAPE IN WINTER. In the left middle distance is an inn with a flag and a sign. To the left, outside it, is a sledge with a grey horse j to the right is another sledge. In the distance to right and left two church-towers are faintly seen. Many skaters and sledges. Signed on the right by a later hand ; panel, 15 inches by 19^ inches. Sale. W. LOwenfeld of Munich, Berlin, February 6, 1906, No. 61. 100. A Halt with Several Figures. A man on a grey horse lets it drink. Mentioned by Waagen, ii. 129. In the collection of Baron Lionel Rothschild, London, 1854. lootf. Halting at an Inn. With figures and horses. Sale. D. Dalens, Amsterdam, April 25, 1753, No. 63 (19 florins, letswaart). 1 01. Travellers outside an Inn. Sale. Heathcote, London, 1805 Gi57 : ios., Dormer). 1 02. Halting at an Inn. A waggon and figures. Sale. Bryant, London, 1865 (157 : ios., Flowers). 103. Peasants and Horses outside an Inn. Signed, 14 inches by 19 inches. Possibly the picture noted in the collection of J. Gillott, Edgbaston, 1857, by Waagen, Suppl. 404, though this was "of great size for him." Sale. J. Gillott, London, April 19, 1872, No. 335 (58 : i6s., Everard).