Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/482

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468 ISACK VAN OSTADE SECT. 104. Outside a Village Inn. A waggon with a grey horse. [Possibly identical with 116.] 32 inches by 38^ inches. Sale. James Morris, London, May 4, 1883 (556 : ios., Lesser; Morris had paid 121 : l6s. for it). 1040. A Halt. Signed, and dated ; 40 inches by 60 inches. Sale. Fred. Jackson and others, London, April 20, 1895, No. 91. 105. Leaving the Inn. Sm. 24. A coach with two horses comes out of the gates of an inn to the left. Near it are several figures. Landscape background. Panel, 9 inches by 1 1 inches. Sale. Calonne, Paris, April 21, 1788 (600 francs). 1 06. HALTING AT THE ROADSIDE. A pedlar stands in front of a man, a woman, and a boy. On the road is a dog. To the right is a withered tree. At the back is a man on a grey horse. Signed in full on the right ; panel, 19^- inches by 15 inches. Exhibited at Berlin, 1906, No. 98. In the collection of Eduard Simon, Berlin. 107. AT THE COTTAGE DOOR. Sm. 13. A peasant at the half-door of a thatched cottage talks to a traveller in a purple jacket, who has a little bundle on his back, a leathern bag at his waist, and a knife hanging from a little chain. To the right sits a woman, dressed in blue, yellow, and red, with a child. Near her are a dog, a spindle, and an old hat. To the right is a wooded landscape, with a cottage among the trees. Signed in full, and dated 1649 5 panel, 18 inches by 15 inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, ii. 94 ; and by Waagen, Suppl. 295. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1821 ; and at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1882, No. 70. Engraved by J. Fittler. Sales. Comte de Merle, Paris, March i, 1784 (3140 francs). Destouches, 1794. Robit, Paris, March 21, 1801 (2540 francs). In the possession of Hibbert (valued at .262 : ios.). In the collection of William Wells, Redleaf, 1829 (Sm.). Sale. William Wells, London, May 12, 1848 (330 : 155., J. Woodin). In the collection of John Walter, Bearwood, 1882. In the collection of the late Alfred Beit, London. In the collection of Otto Beit, London. 108. Landscape with People resting. "Sm. 51. On a hill in front are two men. One holds a dappled grey horse ; the other sits near some tree-trunks. On the other side, at the back, is a man with a waggon ; a black dog runs in front. Panel, 13 inches by 12 inches. Sale. Lapeyriere, Paris, April 14, 1817 (2000 francs).