Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/483

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xi ISACK VAN OSTADE 469 109. The Halt. In a hilly landscape a dappled grey cart-horse is held by a man seated on the ground, conversing with another man. Down the hill comes a tilt-waggon. A dog, bushes, and other accessories. Panel, 14^ inches by 13 inches. Safe. L. B. Coders, Amsterdam, April 19, 1819, No. 72 (1400 florins, Roos). 1 10. Landscape with two Men resting. A saddled horse stands near. In the middle distance a cart approaches. In front are bushes and fallen tree-trunks. Panel, 14 inches by 12 inches. Sale. J. Hulswit, Amsterdam, October 28, 1832, No. 98 (871 florins, Brondgeest). new. Outside a Cottage. A horseman and various persons. A man lies asleep in front. Panel, 19! inches by 27^ inches. Sale. J. Roelofs, Amsterdam, March 8, 1824, No. 122 (58 florins, Westenberg). in. Landscape with a Sleeping Peasant. Sm. n. Beside a road skirted by a bushy hedge a peasant lies asleep. A grey horse stands at his side. An old tree -trunk rises among the bushes to the left. " Painted in the artist's best time ; it is beautifully brodt in colour and carefully finished ; the old tree is remarkably natural " (Sm.). Panel, 12 inches by 10 inches. A copy was in the Louvre, 1829 (Sm.). Sales. Nogaret, Paris, 1780 (900 francs). R. de St. Victor, Paris, November 26, 1822 (1240 francs). In the collection of W. Beckford, Fonthill Abbey, 1829 (Sm.). iii<2. The Halt. -A cottage stands on a hill amid great trees. Farther away are peasants reposing, with a woman, a horse, a dog asleep, and a pump. View of a hilly landscape. Canvas, 29 inches by 39 inches. Sale. J. van den Bergh, Amsterdam, July 15, 1833, No. 205. 112. Landscape with Travellers. Sm. 55, and Suppl. 29. A peasant with a pack on his back stands conversing with a woman and two men, who sit by the roadside under the shade of a clump of trees. Beyond are two travellers, one of them on a grey horse. In the distance is a church. Panel, 19 inches by 14 J inches. Sale. Lapeyriere, Paris, 1825 (1405 francs). In the Boursault collection, Paris, 1829 ; purchased as a whole in 1835 by Arteria for Edmund Higginson of Saltmarsh Castle. Sale. E. Higginson, London, June 4, 1846 No. 88 of the 1842 catalogue -(48 : 6s., Rutley). nia. Peasants resting. At the side of a road through a picturesque landscape a peasant stands leaning on his staff. He converses