Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/512

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498 ISACK VAN OSTADE SECT. 192. Interior with Peasants and a Woman. The peasants sit by the fire. The woman stands, conversing with one of them. 14^ inches by i inches. Sale. R. H. de Wetstein and others, Haarlem, March 23, 1810, No. 9 (190 florins). 192^. An Interior. In a cottage a peasant leans on a woman. Another man stands, speaking to them. Panel, 12 inches by n inches. Sale. Boymans, Rotterdam, August 31, 1811, No. A 63. i92/>. Peasants conversing. In an interior. Panel, 10 inches by 12^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 1 1, 1836, No. 106. 192^. Outside a Cottage. Two men and a woman conversing with children. Panel, 14 inches by I2| inches. In the Hohenzollern-Hechingen collection, Lowenberg, 1858 (Parthey, ii. 210). 192^. Peasants conversing. Panel, u inches by 9 inches. In the collection of N. Baranowsky. Sale. Count S. von Festetits, Vienna, April n, 1859, No. 71. 193. A Conversation. In the centre of a barn lies a bundle of. straw; near it are some hens picking up food. By the door to the left stands a man, seen from the back, who converses with a man looking in. Near an overturned cask by the back wall a woman is busy with a pot. Signed in full on the left at foot, and dated 1644; canvas, 10 inches by 13! inches. Sale. E. Hardy, Frankfort-on-Main, October 14, 1878, No. in (400 mark). 1930. A Youth reading. He reads a book very attentively. 9 inches by 7 inches. Sale. J. M. Cok, Amsterdam, December 16, 1771, No. 151 (70 florins, Van der Schley). i93a. A Peasant reading a Newspaper. He sits at a table. Another man stands listening. Panel, 7^ inches by 7 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, October 30, 1780, No. 43 (6 florins 10, Stip). 193^. The Reading. In an interior men, women, and children sit or stand round a table, listening to a woman who reads aloud from a paper. Loosely painted. Panel, 16 inches by 23 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, April 17, 1783, No. 183 (5 florins 25, Strubing).