Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/513

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xi ISACK VAN OSTADE 499 193^. An Old Man seated reading in a Cave. Very light and good in colour. In the manner of Rembrandt. Panel, 27 inches by 23! inches. Sale. The dowager Suasso, The Hague, April 24, 1800, No. 48 (81 florins, J. Teixeira). Reading the Newspaper. Sale. Bertrand, Paris, November 13, 1855, No. 137. 193*. Reading the Newspaper. In an inn several men sit round a cask. A woman in front reads aloud from a newspaper. Signed in full on the back, and dated 1639 ; panel 10 inches by 8| inches. Sale. In Germany, about 1880 or 1890, No. 26. 193/1 Landscape with Travellers and Peasants. In front of a large cottage in the foreground are peasants standing or resting, a woman, and a child. Near them are a he-goat and a dog. To the right is a hilly landscape with peasants and two travellers. Panel, 24 inches by 23^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, June 27, 1797, No. 157 (62 florins, Yver). 194. Scene outside a Cottage. Under the eaves of a cottage are some peasants. One lies on the ground. Farther away are a goat and a dog. Panel, 26 inches by 23 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 16, 1819, No. 121 (159 florins, De Vries). 194^. Interior of a Barn. On the left, at a stone chimney-piece, peasants stand or sit. In the centre an open door leads outside ; near it are a horse at a manger and a goat lying down. On the right a woman draws water at a pump. Near her are vegetables and cooking utensils. Canvas, 42 inches by 62 inches. In the Van Marie collection. Sale. N. D. Goldsmid of The Hague, Paris, May 4, 1876, No. 100. 195. Interior of a Wooden Barn. It is supported on beams and is full of kitchen utensils. A ray of sunlight enters at the door to the left and illumines the centre of the floor. At the back are a man and woman by the fireside. Signed in full; panel, 12 inches by i6| inches. Sale. Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 9, 1881, No. 411. 196. A Peasant Family resting. To the right is a farm. A peasant sits under a lofty tree watching some children at play. An old woman stands at the open door. On the road in front is a man with a pack. Signed on the left with the monogram, and dated ; 25! inches by 33^ inches. Sales. Strakosch and others, Berlin, October 23, 1900, No. in. Von Schauss-Kempfenhausen, Cologne, April 29, 1801, No. 75.