Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/515

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xi ISACK VAN OSTADE 501 2oia. A Country Fair. Panel, 14 inches by 19 inches. Exhibited at The Hague, 1881, No. 233. Then in the collection of W. Th. van Griethuyzen, Rotterdam. 202. A VILLAGE FAIR. Outside an inn in the left foreground peasants are smoking and talking. A fiddler stands on a bench. To the right a rustic couple dance ; farther to the right a man bargains with a woman dealer, seen from the back ; near her are two boys. A boy sits on a cask in front of the dancers. In the left foreground a man is sick. In the background are buildings and trees, one of which is very high. To the right is another group, composed of an old market-woman and four children ; behind them is a tent, with a mill behind it. To the right, farther back, is a church with trees, tents, and many people going away into the distance. A horse and two-wheeled cart with two figures, and a third person on the horse, are prominent. A woman with a child sits under a tree to the right of the cart. Signed in the centre at foot ; panel, 28 inches by 52 inches. In the Mannheim Gallery. In the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, No. 381. In the Wtirzburg Palace Gallery, 1902 catalogue, No. 72. 2020. A Great Country Fair. Sale. Amsterdam, October 3, 1708, No. 9. 202^. A Country Fair. Sale. Amsterdam, April 15, 1739 (Hoet, i. 583), No. 148 (12 florins). 2O2<r. A Country Fair. Sale. Amsterdam, June 27, 1752, No. n. 2Q2d. A Country Fair. Sale. Sonne and others, Amsterdam, July 5, 1759, No. 96 (i florin, Carre). 202dd. Peasants and Women dancing in an Interior. Circular panel, 9! inches across. Sale. P. de la Court van der Voort, Amsterdam, August 26, 1772, No. 137 (21 florins, Fouquet). ividdd. A Fair with Peasants dancing. A rich composition. Panel, 19^ inches by 33 inches. Sale. Middelburg, April 20, 1779, No. 33. 202*. A Fair. With many figures. Canvas, 30^ inches by 41 inches. Sale. J. B. Horion, Brussels, September i, 1788, No. 107 (300 francs). 202/1 A Fair. Peasants and women dancing to the music of the bagpipes, and other merrymakings. In the distance a village. Panel, 20 inches by 33 inches. Sale. C. Groeninx van Zoelen and others, Rotterdam, June 25, 1800 (25 florins, Hanke).