Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/516

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502 ISACK VAN OSTADE SECT. 202g. A Country Fair. Outside a house many merry peasants and women dance, gamble, and bargain. Farther away is a village with church- towers and market-people. Panel, 2oi inches by 31 inches. Sale. L. Bouman and others, Leyden, August 24, 1802, No. 2 (40 florins). 202/j. A Village Fair. With many figures. Sale. J. Roelofs, Amsterdam, March 8, 1824, No. 259 (106 florins, Mensart). 202;. A Country Fair. Peasants and women dance round a tree. Panel. Sale. Amsterdam, December 3, 1827, No. 44 (15 florins, Goldenberg). 203. A Village Fair. Sm. 64. A village street with large booths in front of the houses and numerous villagers. A woman with her hands on her hips and a basket on her head stands, with her back to the spectator, conversing with two men. A drunken old man is led away. Near the front a man with a barrow sells mussels and dried fish. On the other side are two men and a horse near a trough. In the distance a mountebank addresses a crowd. In the middle distance is a cripple who has lost his legs. Panel, about 32 inches by 36 inches. In the possession of the London dealer T. Emmerson, 1829 (Sm.). 204. A Fair. With peasants and women dancing. Panel, 20 inches by 31 inches. Sale. J. A. van Dam, Dordrecht, June I, 1829, No. 93 (371 florins, Lelie). 204*7. A Country Fair. Outside a house are a crowd of merry folk and a fiddler. Panel, 20 inches by 22 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, October 16, 1837, No. 69 (30 florins, Van Baelen). 204^. A Fair. Near a village inn villagers dance to the music of a fiddler. Near them are a group of topers, a woman with a child in her lap, and a man standing. In the middle distance are several other groups carousing and dancing. Sale. Paris, March 4, 1845, No. 66. 205. A Village Festival. Outside a village, the houses of which stretch away from the left foreground to the right background, are merry peasants in various groups. In the centre, before a tall tree, is a fiddler ; to the right of him are a couple dancing ; farther right are a couple seated ; in the immediate right foreground is a pig. In front of the fiddler a man lies with his back to the spectator ; to the left of him and farther back are peasants drinking at a table. In the extreme left foreground a man stands beside a tree. Signed in full, and dated 1642 ; panel, i8| inches by 23 inches. In an English private collection. Sale. C. Sedelmeyer, Vienna, December 20, 1872, No. 132 (1610 florins).