Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/530

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516 ISACK VAN OSTADE SECT. hand man has a tall white cap. A third man stands behind, filling his pipe. A fourth figure is at the back. In the collection of Baron Albert von Oppenhcim, Cologne. 242. PEASANTS OUTSIDE AN INN (or, Travellers re- freshing). Sm. 52, and Suppl. 43. On the right is the open door of the inn, with a flight of stone steps leading up to it. A woman with a child sits at the door looking down at four men at the foot of the steps. The man on the right, seen in profile, sits on the ground, smoking. The man to the left of him, seated on an overturned bench, speaks to him as he raises a jug to his mouth. To the left again, in front of this man, sits the third peasant, with a dog asleep on his right. The fourth man stands behind and looks on. In the left middle distance is a grey horse. A very fine picture, warm in tone. It " may be classed among the very choicest works of the master " (Sm.). Signed in full on the left at foot ; panel, 18 inches by 15^ inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, ii. 448. Sales. J. F. Tuffin, London, April n, 1818 (^210). Corute de Perregaux, Paris, December 8, 1841, No. 25 (15,000 francs, D'Etiers). In the Dutuit collection, Rouen. In the Petit Palais des Beaux-Arts, Paris, Dutuit bequest, No. 922. 2420. Peasants carousing and singing. In an inn. Sale. J. de Bary, Amsterdam, November 26, 1759, No. 49 (3 florins 5, Sara Koopman). 242^. View of a Village with Peasants seated. They smoke and drink in the foreground. Panel, 15 inches by 20 inches. Sale. J. de Kommer, Amsterdam, April 15, 1767, No. 71 (13 florins, Wennemars). 242^. Peasants smoking and carousing. In a room. Panel, loj inches by n inches. Sale. F. I. Dufresne, Amsterdam, August 22, 1770, No. 309. 24.2*1. Merry Peasants. They smoke and drink in a room, with a woman. [Pendant to 242*.] Panel, 8^ inches by 1 1 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, January 20, 1772, No. 68 (7 florins 1C, with pendant, Wubbels). 242*. Merry Peasants and Women. They smoke and drink in a room. [Pendant to 242^.] Panel, 8 inches by 1 1 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, January 20, 1772, No. 69 (7 florins 15, with pendant, Wubbels). 242*7. Two Peasants drinking and a Woman smoking. They sit at table in a well-furnished room.