Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/531

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xi ISACK VAN OSTADE 517 Panel, 23 inches by 27^ inches. Saks. Amsterdam, August 7, 1776, No. in (15 florins). Amsterdam, September 24, 1777, No. 109 (23 florins, Costerus). 242^ and ec. Two Interiors with Peasants drinking and smoking. Panel, 7^ inches by 9 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, November 6, 1776, Nos. 39 and 40 (13 florins 10, Laval). 242/ A Cottage Interior with Peasants and Women drinking. 13^ inches by 17^ inches. Sale. Jan Verbeek, Leyden, August 18, 1778, No. 46 (2 florins 10, Blok). 242/27. Peasants smoking and carousing. Outside an inn. Some sit, and others stand. [Pendant to 2iif.] Panel, 20 inches by 27! inches. Sale. Amsterdam, October 30, 1780, No. 42 (20 florins 10, with pendant, Fouquet). 242^. Peasants smoking and drinking. They sit at table in a room. A peasant stands by the fireside. A child drives a pig. In front is a pump, with many accessories. Panel, 16 inches by 21 inches. Sale. P. Locquet, Amsterdam, September 22, 1783, No. 276 (32 florins, Stegulair). 242/1. Peasants carousing and smoking. In a cottage. Five figures. 9! inches by io inches. Sale. Antwerp, July 5, 1784, No. 101 (15 florins 5, Jacobs). 242;. An Inn with Smokers. Circular panel, 15 inches across. Sale. Ant. de Walsche, Brussels, June 14, 1791, No. 7 (92 florins). 2427. Peasants smoking and carousing. In a cottage or barn. Some sit, and others stand. Panel, 12 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, December 6, 1797, No. 114 (25 florins 10, Yver). 242^. Merry Peasants and Women carousing. In an interior. Loose and masterly in style. Panel. Sale. W. F. Taalman Kip and others, Amsterdam, March 16, 1801, No. 184 ( I florin 5, Veldwijk). 242/. Peasants smoking and drinking. In a rustic barn peasants and women, with children, sit smoking and drinking. Accessories. Masterly in style. Panel, 17 inches by 23 inches. Sale. D. Mansveld, Amsterdam, August 13, 1806, No. 137 (8 florins 15).