Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/542

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528 ISACK VAN OSTADE SECT. 264^. A River Scene in Winter. Beside a road with cottages and huts is a frozen river with people on it. Natural and loosely painted. Panel, 16 inches by 19 inches. Sale. P. Lyonet, Amsterdam, April n, 1791, No. 200 (42 florins 10, Spaan). 265. View on a Canal in Winter. Sm. 31. On the banks of the frozen canal are houses and trees. On the ice are numerous figures. A man makes a hole in the ice. Near him are a woman, a boy, and a sledge drawn by a horse. [Possibly identical with 277.] Canvas, 46 inches by 47 inches. Sale. J. Danser Nijman, Amsterdam, August 16, 1797, No. 200 (1625 florins). 266. View on a River in Winter near a Town. To the left is a brewery. Many skaters, sledges, horses, and children with little sledges. Canvas, 1 6 inches by 22 inches. Sale. J. Danser Nijman, Amsterdam, August 16, 1797, No. 201 (175 florins). 267. A River Scene in Winter. On a dyke to the right are cottages, past which goes a post-waggon. On the ice near are horsed sledges, peasants walking and skating, children and boys playing ball. Fishing-boats, and a town in the distance. Canvas, 42 inches by 63 inches. Sale. Fiseau (?), Amsterdam, August 30, 1797, No. 166 (350 florins, Yver). 267*. A Winter Scene. In front is a woodcutter. In the middle distance a horse draws a laden sledge. On the right are skaters and other figures. Panel, i inches by 27 inches. Sale. C. Groeninx van Zoelen and others, Rotterdam, June 25, 1800, No. 25 (52 florins, Mantra). 267^. A River Scene in Winter. On a frozen river a man drives a sledge past some cottages. A sledge with a grey horse is about to follow. Near it are peasants putting on their skates. Other persons in the foreground and distance. Moonlight. Canvas, 17! inches by 21 inches. Sale. C. van Hardenberg, Utrecht, September 20, 1802, No. 71 (4.9 florins, bought in). 268. A River Scene in Winter. With a view of a village. Skaters on the ice. On the left are people in a sledge drawn by a grey horse. Mentioned by Buchanan, Memoirs of Painting, ii. 185. Sale. Crawford, London, 1806, No. 22 (199 : los., Roachley). 268*2. A River Scene in Winter. Near a farm is a woman. At the foot of a big leafless tree is a frozen stream, crossed by a wooden