Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/543

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xi ISACK VAN OSTADE 529 bridge. A boy sits in a little sledge. Near him a man on skates pushes a sledge. On the right another man puts on his skates. Panel, 14^ inches by 13 inches. Sale. H. Croese, Amsterdam, September 18, 1811, No. 62 (14 florins, Van der Voort). 268^. Shoeing a Horse. In a wintry landscape a smith shoes a horse, which a boy holds by the bridle. At the side is another figure. Farther back are a cottage and a horseman. In the distance is a village. Panel, 1 8 inches by 16^ inches. Sale. B. Ocke, Leyden, April 21, 1817, No. 95 (35 florins, Gijzelaar). 269. View on a Canal in Winter. Sm. 53. On the left a man splits wood. Near a cottage are several persons. The artist's brother and his family are in a waggon drawn by a grey horse. Canvas, 37 inches by 44 inches. Sale. Aubert, Paris, November 27, 1820 (3510 francs). 270. View on a Canal in Winter. Sm. 54. On the ice numerous persons play a game. On the left behind a village are seen the masts of several vessels. A man drives a sledge, drawn by a grey horse, up the canal bank towards a road on which are two boys. Signed, and dated 1644 ; panel, 12 inches by 16 inches. Sale. Robert de St. Victor, Paris, November 26, 1822 (1005 francs, Smith). 271. A River Scene in Winter. On the bank are tall trees and cottages. On the ice are laden sledges and many figures of various ranks and ages. Panel, 21 inches by 30^ inches. Sale. A. Meynts, Amsterdam, July 15, 1823, No. 97 (741 florins, Heris). 272. View on a Canal in Winter. Sm. 57. On the bank is a picturesque cottage ; on the ice are figures. Panel, about 15 inches by 18 inches. Sale. D. G. van den Burgh van Kronenburg, Loenen, September 6, 1824, No. 855 (855 florins, Smardt). 273. A River Scene in Winter. A man on skates stands, stick in hand, waiting for another man who puts on his skates. Farther back are skaters and sledges. On the bank are old tree-trunks covered with hoar-frost. Panel, 16 inches by 22^ inches. Sale. P. J. de Marneffe, Brussels, May 24, 1830, No. 221. 273*7. A Windmill. On the wall of an old fort. In the frozen ditch are many skaters. Panel, 22| inches by 29^ inches. Sale. P. J. de Marneffe, Brussels, May 24, 1830, No. 222. 274. A River Scene in Winter. In the left foreground a woman and a child watch a man breaking a hole in the ice with his axe. On the VOL. in 2 M