Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/544

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53 ISACK VAN OSTADE SECT. right a man puts on his skates ; near him are a child in a boat and a little boy. Farther away three travellers in a sledge with a grey horse drive across a light bridge on to the ice. There are other sledges, skaters, and boats frozen in. On either side of the canal is a dyke. Canvas, 39^ inches by 47^ inches. Sale. Sebastien Erard, Paris, April 23, 1832, No. 108. 275. View on a Canal in Winter. Sm. 14, and Suppl. 8. On the left a man and woman are in a sledge drawn by a grey horse, and driven by a man at the side. Beyond, a horseman and three persons on foot come down a road. Beyond them is a cottage amid leafless trees. In the centre foreground a man pushes a sledge containing a basket and a barrel. He converses with another man who is seen from the back. In the right foreground is a big leafless tree. Near it is a cottage ; a man leans against the door. A boy puts on his skates, and another boy watches him. A clear winter's day. Canvas, 37 inches by 47 inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, ii. 98 ; and by Waagen, ii. 153. Sales. Vaudreuil, Paris, November 24, 1784, No. 39 (6001 francs, Paillet ; Ch. Blanc says that it was bought for King Louis XVI., but it cannot be traced in the Louvre). R. Jaubert, London, 1806 (190). Sebastien Erard, Paris, April 23, 1832, No. 109 (4140 francs, Nieuwenhuys) ; it was in Erard's collection in 1829 (Sm.). Nieuwenhuys of Brussels, London, May 10, 1833 (^336, Marquess of Lansdowne). 276. View on a Canal in Winter. Sm. 45. With an inn. In front are two men, one of whom pushes a laden sledge. Children play near them. In the middle distance are many other figures. A man drives several persons in a sledge drawn by a grey horse. Close to them a man ties up a sack. Canvas, 36 inches by 48 inches. Sales. General Verdier, Paris, 1810 (8000 francs, bought in). Se"bastien Erard, London, June 22, 1833 (^295, Seguier) ; it was in Erard's collection in 1829 (Sm.). 276*. A Winter Scene, with a Pool. On the ice peasants and women load sledges. Golfers and skaters. Canvas, 29 inches by 39 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, May 14, 1839, No - 8l ( 2 7 florins, Engelberts). 277. View on a Canal in Winter. Sm. Suppl. 20. Numerous figures on the ice. In front a boy pushes a child in a sledge ; a man sits, putting on his skates ; a boy carries a basket, with a child. On the other side are a man, woman, and boy in a sledge drawn by a grey horse. Descending a platform to the ice, in the right foreground, a man breaks the ice ; a woman and child watch him. In the distance are a village and scattered farms. "A most excellent production" (Sm.). [Possibly identical with 265.]