Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/545

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xi ISACK VAN OSTADE 531 Canvas, 46 inches by 48 inches. Exhibited at the British Institution, 1835. In the collection of the Earl of Dartmouth, 1842 (Sm.). 278. View on a Canal in Winter. Sm. Suppl. 34. On the left is an old brick bridge with a single arch. On the right are cottages. A boy pushes a companion in a sledge. A man behind a sledge converses with another man. It is hung very high, but seems not bad. Signed in full ; panel, about 18 inches by 15 inches. In the collection of Count Manfrin, Venice, 1842 (Sm., who valued it at 157:105.). In the Venice Academy, 1895 catalogue, No. 177. 279. A River Scene in Winter. On the ice are many figures. In front a well-dressed man and his wife go towards a sledge drawn by a black horse, which is richly caparisoned. In the distance are other sledges. On the left are the walls of a town with a drawbridge. Canvas, 30 inches by 43^ inches. Sale. Comte R. de Cornelissen, Brussels, May II, 1857, No. 58. 280. A River Scene in Winter. On the ice are many figures. Some slide, others skate, and others go in sledges. To the left are a windmill and cottages, stretching away to the horizon, where is seen the church-tower of a town. To the right is a cottage. Near it a man drives a sledge with an old horse on the ice, which he is crossing towards the town. [Probably identical with 290.] Panel, 14^ inches by 19^ inches. Sale. D. van der Schrieck of Louvain, Brussels, April 8, 1861, No. 80 (2100 francs, Le Roy). 281. A River Scene in Winter. On the ice many men, women, and children skate or sledge. One sledge is drawn by a grey horse. To the right is a Dutch town with towers and ramparts. Signed. Sale. M , Paris, March 26, 1866, No. 147. 282. View on a Canal in Winter. Sm. Suppl. 27. On the right bank is a round tower, with two bridges beyond it. Numerous persons are on the ice. A man pushes a stout burgher in a sledge. Beyond it, and in front of it, are two sledges laden with goods. A fourth drawn by two horses is near some cottages. Canvas, 33 inches by 40 inches. In the collection of William Crerie, Manchester, 1842 (Sm.). Sale. Crerie of Manchester, London, 1871 (299 : 55., Agnew). 282^. A Frozen River. With many figures. A sketch. Panel, 24 inches by 29 inches. Sales. P. Methorst the elder and others, Amsterdam, March 14, 1882, No. 63- C. Smith and others, Amsterdam, June 4, 1882, No. 51.