Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/554

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540 ISACK VAN OSTADE SECT. Signed in full, with the date erased ; panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. Sale. K. Keuter and others, Amsterdam, April 3, 1906, No. 970. 305. A Man reading. Head of a beardless man with short dark hair and smiling face. His eyes are downcast as if he is reading. Circular panel, 3 inches across. Sale. Sir Charles Turner of London, Berlin, November 17, 1908, No. 65. 306. A FARMYARD SCENE. In the centre of the background is an old wooden shed with a thatched roof, in which a farm-cart, a wheel, baskets, and tools are stored. In the left foreground, in sunlight, are the remains of a fowl-house, overgrown with brambles ; on the top is a plank with various articles upon it. Behind is a large oak. In the centre fore- ground, partly in shadow, fowls are feeding. Signed in full, and dated 1639 or 1641 ; panel, 15^ inches by 15^ inches. Sales. H. Moll, Cologne, November 11, 1886, No. 126 (700 mark, Habich). Edward Habich, Kassel, May 9, 1891, No. 116 (bought for the National Gallery, with 12 other pictures, for 2807 in all). In the National Gallery, London, 1906 catalogue, No. 1347. 307. A PEASANT FAMILY. They are on the right, near a willow. The mother sits with her child on her lap. A man lies near her, and another man stands up behind him, turned towards the group. On the left are a two-wheeled cart and a grey horse which has been unharnessed. In the centre is a distant view with a small figure. Signed in full on the right ; panel, 17 inches by 21 inches. In the possession of the London dealer Walter J. Abraham. 308. THE PIGSTYE. Sm. Suppl. 42. In the middle distance is a tumble-down pigstye, with a thatch on which is a horse's skull ; behind it is thick foliage. In front are three pigs. One is lying down ; another is about to lie down on the right behind the first ; the third sniffs at the ground on the left. Beyond them a man with his back to the spectator prepares their food. It reminds one a little of the Paulus Potter in the Brussels Museum. Canvas, 15^ inches by 14 inches. Sales. Van Leyden, Paris, September 10, 1804, No. 143. Dubois, Paris, December 7, 1840 (2000 francs). In the La Caze collection, Paris. In the Louvre, Paris, La Caze bequest, 1903 catalogue, No. 2513. 309. A GREY HORSE IN A LANDSCAPE. His rider has dismounted and stands by the roadside. In front is a large tree-trunk. In the distance are a man and a child, with a dog nearer the front. The picture is very closely related to the early works of Philips Wouwerman, such as, for example, 207 (" A Grey Horse " at the Rijksmuseum). Panel, 13 inches by u inches. Mentioned by Waagen, Suppl. 453. In the collection of Sir John Stirling Maxwell, Bart., Pollok House, Glasgow.