Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/555

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xi ISACK VAN OSTADE 541 310. LANDSCAPE WITH A FARM. Three cows in a pasture. Cottages to the left and in the right distance. A tree on the right. Oval panel, 24 inches by 32 inches. In the collection of Sir F. Cook, Bart., Richmond, Surrey. 310*7. A Rustic Kitchen and Stable. With a traveller and his horse. Sale. Jac. Snels, Baron van Deneke, The Hague, July 1 1, 1763 (Terw. 341), No. 65 but No. 7 in the original catalogue (12 florins 10, Van Riehl). 310^. Landscape with a Pool. With men and animals. Panel, 2i| inches by 33 inches. Sale. N. Albrechts and others, Amsterdam, May 1 1, 1772, No. 103 (16 florins 10). 310^0. A Gypsy Woman telling a Peasant's Fortune. In an interior. Panel. Sale. N. Albrechts and others, Amsterdam, May 1 1, 1772, No. 174 (14 florins 15, Minuzzi). 3iOc. A Village. A cart full of vegetables, a woman and a man. In the middle distance are peasants outside the inn. Panel, 1 1 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, September 8, 1773, No. 51 (105 florins, P. Fouquet). 310^. A Hilly Landscape. On a bank to the left rest a man and a woman ; to the right is a waggon with two horses ; beyond are cottages. In the distance are high hills. Canvas, 2o| inches by 34 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, September 24, 1777, No. 107 (80 florins, Roos). 310*?. Merry Peasants. A man and woman seem to have fallen down a bank. Other peasants laugh at them. Panel, 13^ inches by 10 inches. Sale. J. W. Heybroek, Rotterdam, June 9, 1788, No. 64 (33 florins, Jeroo). 3107; A Peasant Family. Near a cottage a woman stands at a cask, with a man. A little boy sits fishing at the edge of a pool. Panel, 16^ inches by 14 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 13, 1790, No. 89. 310^. A Farm beside a Stream. A wooden bridge over the stream. Figures. Signed ; canvas, 17^ inches by 25 inches. Sale. Van der Aa and Tendall, The Hague, July 25, 1809, No. 144 (18 florins 10, Van Eijk). 310/7. A Barn. With utensils, hens, and other accessories. Panel, 12 inches by 21 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, April 24, 1811, No. 100 (2 florins, Gruyter).