Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/210

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196 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. 628,?. A Wooded Landscape with Many Figures. The figures by Lingelbach. 21 1 inches by 26| inches. Sale. J. Clockener and others, Amsterdam, January 15, 1759, No. 4. 6i8/ A Wooded Landscape. 41 inches by 40 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, March 20, 1764, No. 68 (44 florins, Van den Bogaard). 628^. A Wooded Landscape with Figures. Sale. Amsterdam, May 23, 1764, No. 323 (3 florins, with No. 324, Van den Berg). 628^. A Wooded Landscape. 31^ inches by 56^ inches or 31^ inches by 35^ inches, according to the original catalogue. Sale. N , Leyden, June I, 1765 (Terw. 446), No. 3 or No. 61 of the original catalogue (25 florins 10, Verbeek). 628*'. A Wooded Landscape. Figures by Philips Wouwerman. 23^ inches by i8 inches. Sale. (Supplementary) Amsterdam, June 4, 1766, No. 62. 6287. A Wooded Landscape with Figures. Canvas, 20 inches by 15 inches. Sale. Antwerp, May 25, 1768 (Terw. 657), No. 20 (23 florins). 628^. A Wooded Landscape. Panel, 13 inches by i8| inches. Sale. Amsterdam, October 4, 1769, No. 44 (14 florins, De Winter). 6287. A Wooded Landscape with Figures. Panel, i6 inches by 22^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, October 4, 1769, No. 45 (26 florins, Ten Kate). 628^. View of a Wood. 28 inches by 23^ inches. Sale. J. Palthe, Leyden, March 20, 1770, No. 91 (7 florins, Verbeek). 628;*. A Shepherd driving Sheep. In the foreground of a wooded landscape. Panel, 14^ inches by n inches. Sale. Amsterdam, June 13, 1770, No. 87 (7 florins). 629. A Wooded Landscape. In front, two travellers converse. In the middle distance is a horseman, followed by a huntsman on foot. A broad distance. Panel 2i|- inches by 18 inches. Sale. N. Albrechts and others, Amsterdam, May 1 1, 1772, No. 31 (26 florins, Van den Bogaard).