Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/211

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xiii JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 197 629*7. A Wooded Landscape. In the right foreground a man tightens the saddle girths of a grey horse. A woman sits with a child in her lap. To the left are a man on a bay horse, another on a yellow horse, and a peasant, a woman, and a child in a waggon drawn by a bay horse. Farther away are a traveller with a bundle on his shoulder, and two beggars. In the distance are figures and sheep. The figures are by Ph. Wouwerman. Canvas, 23^ inches by 29^ inches. Sale. J. van der Marck, Amsterdam, August 25, 1773, No. 281 (301 florins, Fouquet). 629^. A Wooded Landscape, with a Sportsman resting. Three dogs on the right. A fine hilly distance. The figures are by Lingelbach. Canvas, 41 inches by 34 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, June 21, 1774, No. 185 *. 629^. A Wooded and Hilly Landscape. Panel, 9^ inches by 12 inches. Sale. Huybert Ketelaar, Amsterdam, June 19, 1776, No. 199. 629^. View of a Wood. In front is a horseman. [Pendant to 528*7.] Canvas, i8| inches by 24^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, August 7, 1776, No. 125 (3 florins 15). 629^. Landscape, with Trees. In front is a sandy road, with men walking and resting. Panel, 17^ inches by 13 inches. Sale. Soeterwoude, August 14, 1776, No. 23. A Wooded Landscape. Cattle on a hill. Panel, 19 inches by 24-^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, September 24, 1777, No. 117 (8 florins, De Bon). 629^ and h. Two Landscapes. [Pendants.] Panel, 15 inches by 13 inches, each. Safe, B. C. Thienpont, The Hague, March 28, 1778, Nos. 59 and 60 (10 florins 10). 629*'. A Wooded Landscape with Figures. 21 inches by 19^ inches. Sale. Jan Verbeek, Leyden, August 18, 1778, No. 14 (2 florins 15, Blijkersveld). 6297. A House near a River. With a road. Sale. Dulac, Paris, November 30, 1778 (601 francs, with 629^) ; noted by Ch. Blanc, i. 439. 629^. A Wooded Landscape. Sale. Dulac, Paris, November 30, 1778 (601 francs, with 629;) ; noted by Ch. Blanc, i. 439.