Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/237

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xin JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 223 Engraved by William Forrest, for the 1859 catalogue ; etched by William Hole. In the collection of Sir James Erskine of Torrie, bequeathed to the College of Edinburgh, and deposited in the Scottish National Gallery. In the National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1900 catalogue, No. 6. 704. COTTAGE AND COVERED HAYSTACK BY A RIVER. Sm. 51. A river fills the whole foreground. On the bank is a clump of trees with bushes. To the right is a thatched cottage with a haystack, in front of which a man in red stands in a boat, holding a pole. To the left, beyond the trees, the roof of a cottage rises above trees and bushes. In the distance is a church. Cloudy sky in the right distance. An "excellent little picture" (Sm.). [Pendant to 137.] Signed with the monogram on the right at foot ; panel, 10 inches by 13 inches. Engraved by Weisbrod in the Le Brun Gallery. Sale. Chevalier Lambert et du Porail, Paris, March 27, 1787 (1000 francs). In the Clos collection, Paris, 1792 (Le Brun). Sale. S. Woodburn, London, May 15, 1854 (163, i6s., Nieuwenhuys). In the collection of George Salting, London ; bequeathed to the National Gallery in 1909. In the National Gallery, London, No. 2565. 705. A ROCKY LANDSCAPE WITH GREAT OAKS. A landscape viewed from an elevated standpoint, bounded to right and left by rocks. On the right are steep cliffs with great trees rising above them. Below, a wooden shed is built against a brick wall. Nearer the front, wooden steps lead up to the wall, which extends to the edge of the picture ; a man descends the steps. To the left, on a road leading down to the front, are sheep. To the left again the densely wooded cliffs are lower. Between the two groups of cliffs a broad road leads away ; on it are a man, a woman and a boy, with a dog running in front. In the centre is a view of a plain bounded by hills. In the centre foreground is a tree-stump. Signed in full in the right foreground ; canvas, 2o| inches by 27 inches. In the collection of Count Wilhelm von Sickingen, Vienna, from which it was acquired in 1820 (for 1050 taler) according to the Speck catalogues of 1826 and 1889. Becker (1904) says that it came from the Kaunitz collection. In the collection of Freiherr Speck von Sternburg, Lutzschena, 1889 catalogue, No. 143. 706. A Canal with Houses and Trees. In the style of Hobbema. In the collection of Charles Wynn, Nostell Priory, 1854 (Waagen, iii. 336). In the collection of Lord St. Oswald, Nostell Priory. 707. LANDSCAPE. Rising ground covered with trees fills the right half of the middle distance. The ground falls in the right fore- ground and is open. In the centre, in front of the wood, are two great oaks ; in front of them is a cottage, past which a road leads to the left foreground. On the road near the cottage is a man, seen from the back ;