Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/238

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224 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. at his right is a boy. Nearer the front a man with a stick stands facing the spectator ; he speaks to a man seated on a tree-trunk, with his back to the spectator. Near the man with the stick is a dog. To the left is a view over a plain bounded by trees, above which rises a church tower. Panel, a broad picture. In the Chiaramonte-Bordenaro collection, Palermo. 708. A VIEW OVER A RIVER VALLEY. To the right is a white beech stem. In the collection of the late Maurice Kann, Paris. Sale. Maurice Kann, Paris, June 9, 1911. 709. A RIVER LANDSCAPE. In the left foreground is a group of great trees. To the right is a river. Cloudy sky. A good picture, but much repainted. A false signature on the right at foot ; panel, 12 inches by 9 inches. In the Babinet collection, bequeathed to Poitiers in 1882. In the Poitiers Museum, 1884 catalogue, No. 143. 710. A RIVER LANDSCAPE. High trees on the bank. To the left an angler. Sunset. Signed with the monogram ; panel, 5 inches by 6 inches. Exhibited at Berlin, 1890, No. 248. In the collection of Adolf Thiem, San Remo. 711. A CANAL IN HOLLAND. On a broad canal, one bank of which, shaded by a wood, is alone visible, is a long boat with two rowers, five other figures and three animals. Figures and animals by A. van de Velde. Signed in full, but falsely, on the side of a boat ; panel, 14 inches by 15^ inches. In the Turin Museum, 1899 catalogue, No. 431 (old No. 434^). 712. LANDSCAPE WITH A STREAM. To the left of a hill shaded by old trees a stream flows down to the front, broadening to the right into a marshy pool. Figures and a flock of sheep. Cloudy sky. Signed in full on the right at foot ; panel, 2o| inches by 26^ inches. In the Turin Museum, 1899 catalogue, No. 44.4 (old No. 389). 712*7. Landscape. Two boys with sheep near a river. Figures by A. van de Velde. Canvas, 24 inches by 28^ inches. Sale. J. B. de Troy and others, Paris, April 9, 1764, No. 65 (836 francs). A Hilly Landscape with a Little Stream. On the left a road leads up a hill to a wood. Near the wood is a little stream, fringed with dark trees. In front is the little figure of a woman leading a child by the hand and carrying a basket on her head. Canvas, 20 inches by 26 inches. Safe. Amsterdam, April 18, 1768, No. 12 (72 florins, Yver).