Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/315

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xni JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 301 969^. Sea-Piece with Ships. Panel, 14 J inches by 15^ inches. Sale. Rotterdam, June 9, 1828, No. 9. 969^. Sea-Piece. In front is a pier, with men and ships lying at the side. Farther away are sailing-boats. Panel, 2o| inches by 28^ inches. Sale. J. Verkolje, Rijnzaterwoude, July 14, 1828, No. 75. 970. Sea-Piece. Sm. 165. A cloudy sky and a strong breeze. In the left middle distance a fishing-boat with a red sail tacks towards the front. In the right distance are five fishermen on a sandbank. Beyond them, a small boat with white sails, heeling over in the gale, drives towards the shore. In the distance other vessels are faintly visible. An "excellent transcript of nature" (Sm.). Canvas, 17^ inches by 17 inches. Sale. Prince de Garve, Brussels, 1830. Bought from Heris by Sm. (for 1000 francs), and sold to W. Theobald, London. 971. A View on the Dutch Coast Sm. 173. A strong breeze with rain. A fishing-boat with red sails approaches a creek on the right. The entrance is marked by a row of willow twigs and a pier, on which the surf breaks. On the wide expanse of sea are other vessels. " A beautiful example" (Sm.). Canvas, 19 inches by 24 inches. Sales. Due d'Alberg, London, 1817 (51 : 95.). G. Watson Taylor, London, June 13, 1823 (So : ijs.). George Hibbert, London, June 13, 1829 (73 : ios.). In the collection of H. J. Munro, 1835 (Sm.), but not identical with either of the two sea-pieces (960, 980) in the Munro sale of 1878. 972. View on the Maas near Briel. Sm. 253. A storm is approaching. In front is a boat with three men. Beyond is a fishing- boat. In the right distance is a jetty, sheltering a few small vessels. Off the harbour a frigate lies at anchor. In the distance are other ships, a church, and houses. The prevailing gloom is relieved by a burst of light across the middle distance. i6| inches by i8| inches. In the collection of Sir George Talbot, Bart., 1835 (Sm.). 972^. A Rough Sea. Sailing-ships. A storm coming on. Good in tone and effect. Canvas, 20 inches by 26^ inches. Sale. Bleuland, Utrecht, May 6, 1839, No. 289. 973. Sea-Piece. Sm. Suppl. 77. A gale with rain. On the left is a line of piles at the entrance to a creek, from which a fishing-boat sails towards the right. Beyond her is a smaller boat. In the distance is a ship in full sail. A church-steeple and several small vessels are faintly visible on the horizon. " An admirable specimen " (Sm.).