Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/316

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3 02 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. Canvas, about ig| inches by 27 inches. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1840. Then in the collection of Andrew Drummond. 974. A View on the Maas during a Gale. Sm. Suppl. 24. In the centre a fishing-boat with a triangular sail runs before the wind. To the left another boat heels over to the gale. Beyond it is a third boat. In the distance is Rotterdam. A heavy surf breaks on the piles lining the shore ; the white spray sparkles on the dark waves. " This highly classical work of the master merits the warmest commendations" (Sm.). Canvas, 22 inches by 26 inches. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, in or before 1842. Then in the collection of Robert Vernon, London. 974#. Sea-Piece. A fresh breeze. 19 inches by 25 inches. Sale. E. W. Lake, London, 1842 (107, Lord Forrester). 974/>. A Stormy Sea. Various large ships fight the waves near a weather-beaten cliff. Canvas, 14 inches by 32 inches. Sale. P. L. Mortier, Amsterdam, May 6, 1846, No. 138 (30 florins, Abrams). 974<:. A Storm at Sea. A large vessel with top- masts lowered fights the mountainous waves. In the distance is another vessel. Black clouds cover the sky. Panel, about 17 inches by 26 inches. Sale. C. von Mergenbaum, Frankfort-on-Main, July 13, 1846, No. 295. 975. Sea-Piece: A Storm subsiding. Sm. Suppl. 115. On the right is a line of bold rocky coast, with breakers. At the end of the rocks is faintly visible a pier, with a small vessel trying to enter the harbour. Near it a large merchant ship sails away. On the left, nearer the front, is a lugger with a red sail, heeling over to the gale. In the left foreground, in shadow, is a stretch of rough sea. Dark rain-clouds in the sky. " A noble and classical work . . . among the finest of the artist's productions in this class of art " (Sm.). Canvas, 41 1 inches by 48 inches. Imported by Hartzen from Germany into England, 1842, and sold to Chaplin, who sold it to W. Coningham. In the possession of the dealer Nieuwenhuys. In the collection of Edmund Foster, Clewer, 1849. 975#. Sea-Piece. Sailing-ships in a stiff breeze. Natural in tone ; delicately handled. Panel, 21 inches by 13^ inches or probably the reverse. Sale. Utrecht, September 22, 1851, No. 135. 976. A Stormy Sea. On a dyke to the right four sailors stand on