Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/383

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xiv MEINDERT HOBBEMA 369 In the Stockholm National Museum, 1900 catalogue, No. 462 ; catalogued as ascribed to Hobbema. 49*. Landscape with a Cottage. Sm. 4. The cottage is in the centre. To right and left is a distant view. Figures. Canvas, 44 inches by 48 inches. Sale. Capellc- Amsterdam, May 6, 1767 (Terw. 588), No. 34 (604 florins but, according to the original catalogue, 138 florins, Punt). Landscape with a Village. With many figures and animals, Sunny. Canvas, 36 inches by 50 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, January 20, 1772, No. 8 (495 florins, Fouquet). 49<r. Landscape with Cottages and Trees. In front a peasant and a woman are walking. In the distance is a town. Panel, 23^ inches by 43 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, November 30, 1772, No. 107. 49^. Landscape with a Cottage. Sandy soil. Various trees, Figures and a dog. [Pendant to 289^.] Panel, 19^ inches by 16 inches. Sale. J. M. Quinkhard, Amsterdam, March 15, 1773, No. 61. 49*. A Hilly Landscape with Cottages. Figures. Panel, 1 6 inches by 23 inches. Sale. Huybert Ketelaar, Amsterdam, June 19, 1776, No. 91 (61 florins, Ploos). 49/ Dunes with a Cottage. Beside a road are several cottages and a haystack, with sheep near it. A peasant and a dog. Panel, 17^ inches by 25^ inches. Sale. S. van der Stel, Amsterdam, September 25, 1781, No. 60 (50 florins 5, B. Zweers). 49^. Landscape with a Tumbledown Cottage. The cottage stands under trees by a pool. A peasant and a woman are walking. View of a village. [Pendant to 49^.] Panel, 14 inches by 18 inches. Sale. S. van der Stel, Amsterdam, September 25, 1781, No. 61 (96 florins, with pendant, Oets). 49/z. Landscape with Cottages near Trees. A field of ripe corn. Peasants walking at the side. [Pendant to 49^.] Panel, 14 inches by 18 inches. Sale. S. van der Stel, Amsterdam, September 25, 1781, No. 62 (96 florins, with pendant, Oets). 49/. A Hilly Landscape with a Cottage. The cottage stands under high trees to the right. On the left are a horseman and a man on foot on a road leading up a high hill. VOL. IV 2 B