Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/384

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370 MEINDERT HOBBEMA SECT. Panel, 19 inches by 25 inches. Sale. J. Odon, Amsterdam, September 6, 1784, No. 24. 49;. A Fishing Village. Cottages amid dunes with high trees. In front a man and a woman rest ; farther away a man is walking. Canvas, 25 inches by 30^ inches. Sales. Van Zaanen, The Hague, November 1 6, 1767 (Terw. 655), No. 53 but No. 57 of the original catalogue (13 florins 10, Rotter- mondt). H. Rottermondt, Amsterdam, July 18, 1786, No. 119 (38 florins, Valette). 49^. Dunes. On a hill persons sit near trees and a church with a tower. Farther away are other buildings. In front is a pool. Panel, 21 J inches by 26 inches. Sale. Hendrik Twent, Leyden, August n, 1789, No. 19 (30 florins, Coders). 49/. Landscape in Gelderland, with Cottages and Fields in the Distance. Panel, 18 inches by 22 inches. Sale. J. C. Werther, Amsterdam, April 25, 1792, No. 75. 49z. Landscape with Cottages amid Trees. A rustic waggon ; a shepherd with sheep ; persons walking. Canvas, 40 inches by 51 J inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 24, 1792, No. 45 (36 florins, Fouquet). 50. Landscape with a Cottage. Sm. 13. A woman with a child injier arms sits outside. Panel, 18 inches by 23 inches. Sale. Jan Gildemeester, Amsterdam, June 1 1, 1800, No. 76 (280 florins, Labouchere). 51. Landscape with Trees, Cottages, and Figures. [Possibly identical with 36^ and 6o/.] Panel, 2oi inches by 26 inches.

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Sale. M. van Coehoorn, Amsterdam, October 19, 1801, No. 27 (1710 florins, Coders). 52. Landscape with Cottages and Figures. Sm. 22. Sale. Noel Desenfans, London, 1802 (189). 53. A Wooded Landscape with Cottages and a Barn. At the side peasants walk on an uphill road. Sunlight. [Pendant to 197.] Panel, 12 inches by 16 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, June 16, 1802, No. 66 (2600 florins, with pendant, J. Smit). 53*. A Wooded Landscape with Cottages and Figures. 12 inches by 17 J inches. Sale. Amsterdam, June 1 6, 1802, No. 69 (39 florins, Hulswit).