Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/389

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xiv MEINDERT HOBBEMA 375 great oak, in the centre of the middle distance. Near it to the right is a bridge over a little stream, with a sluice beyond. In the right distance trees and cottages bound the view. Near the bridge to the right are a man with a stick on his shoulder and a boy at his side ; to the left is another man. Great white clouds in a greyish-blue sky. Panel, 17 inches by 24 inches. In the collection of L. Nardus, Suresnes. Sale. P. A. B. Widener of Philadelphia and others, Amsterdam, June 30, 1909, No. 9 (6000 florins). In the collection of John G. Johnson, Philadelphia. 65. Landscape with a Cottage amid Trees. In the centre is a clump of three tall trees. To the left of these is a cottage ; a woman leans on the half-door. In front a stream extends to the front, where stands a tree-stump. To the right of the trees a road winds round from the centre foreground to the left distance. On the road in front are a woman with a basket on her left arm, facing the spectator, and a herdsman with a long stick to the right of her driving away a cow. In front of the woman is a dog. Farther back a woman drives a herd forward along the road. To the left is a shepherd with sheep. In the right foreground another road branches off to the right towards high ground ; on this road are a man and, farther right, a woman with a child and a farm-waggon. The figures and cattle are ascribed to N. Berchem. Seemingly not a bad picture, to judge from the reproduction, although catalogued merely as attributed to Hobbema. Signed in full on the right at foot ; panel, 30 inches by 43 inches. In the collection of the Empress Catherine II. of Russia, who gave it to Prince Vorong. Sale. C. T. Yerkes, New York, April 5, 1910, No. 127 No. 47 of the edition de luxe of the catalogue. 65*7. View of a Hamlet amid Trees. Sm. 91. On the right is a cottage in an enclosed garden, partly overshadowed by trees, one of which bends over a road leading from the front to a distant farm. In front is a rough open common, with a pool overgrown with flags and bushes, on the bank of which are several logs and a tree-stump. In the centre of the middle distance is another cottage, partly hidden by trees. Farther to the left is a clump of elms, through which are seen several cottages. On the road two men and a seated woman are conversing, while a third man with a stick approaches. A man and a woman cross the common. In the distance are more figures. Brilliant sunshine. Described by Sm. from an engraving by Vivares, dated 1779. 66. A WATER-MILL. Sm. 121, and Suppl. 23. The mill stands on the right, beyond the pool into which the mill-stream falls from the trough on the roof. The mill-wheel is in an outbuilding with a steep roof, which adjoins the large mill -house facing the spectator. At the open door stands a woman. In front of the house a man rolls a cask ; another cask stands to the left before the door. Two tall trees grow in front of the mill. Behind it a thick wood extends almost to the left edge