Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/390

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376 MEINDERT HOBBEMA SECT. of the picture. To right and left of the pool in front are reeds. Broad and sure in style ; the water is thinly painted. Greyish-blue foliage. Signed in full on the water to the left ; panel, 24 inches by 33^ inches. The same mill appears : i. Seen from the same side, but only the left half, in the Wantage picture (86) ; 2. seen from the front left-hand corner, in the examples in the Rijksmuseum (67), in the Chicago Art Institute (71), and in the Wallace Collection (85) ; 3. seen from the narrower left side, in the examples in the Albert von Oppenheim collection at Cologne (75), in the Yerkes sale at New York (81), and in the Brussels Museum (69). In the last- mentioned picture, however, it is not quite clear from which side the mill is painted. Engraved by W. Unger, J. A. Boland, and L. Lowenstam, and lithographed by J. D. Steuerwald. Bought from G. J. van Heugel, The Hague, 1834 (6500 florins). In the collection of J. Rombouts, Dordrecht, 1835 (Sm.) and 1850. In the collection of L. Dupper, bequeathed in 1870 to the Rijksmuseum. In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1910 catalogue, No. 1187. 67. A WATER-MILL. Sm. 57, and Suppl. 16. In the centre is a mill, seen in a three-quarter view, with a mill-wheel at either side. The water is led to the left wheel along a trough supported on posts. At the corner of the house the water falls into the pool, which fills the whole width of the foreground. In front of the mill are some lofty trees. To the left, behind the mill, and in the right distance is a thick leafy wood. At the door of the mill is a peasant. In front a woman in red washes linen in a tub. A man and a child approach the mill from the right. Hills in the distance. See note to 66. An " excellent picture " (Sm.). Signed in full on the left at foot ; panel, 24^ inches by 34 inches. Engraved by L. C. van Kesteren. In the collection of William Smith, London. In the collection of Chevalier Bonnemaison, Paris. Sales. London, 1822 (305, bought in). La Fontaine, London, 1824 (524, bought in) according to Smith ; Redford in Art Sales says that the sale was in 1822 (320, bought in) ; but the sale took place in Paris, May 28, 1821. London, 1831 (.191 : 2s.). Allan, Edinburgh, 1835 (^156 : 95., Sm.). In the collection of A. van der Hoop, Amsterdam, 1842 (Sm.) ; bequeathed to Amsterdam in 1854, and lent to the Rijksmuseum since 1885. In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1910 catalogue, No. 1188. 68. THE WATER-MILL. Sm. 84. An undershot water-mill stands in the left centre beyond a stream which fills the foreground. To the left is a view over wooded country. To the right of the mill, on high ground, are a few trees, past which a sunlit road leads to the right. Be- yond and to the right is a wood with vistas. On the right, amid bushes, is a cottage surrounded by a fence. In front is a foot-bridge. Figures on the road and in the left distance. [Pendant to 104.] "Were it not that the brown grounds have so unusually protruded, they would be reckoned among the artist's good productions" (Sm.). Signed in full on the right ; canvas, 30 inches by 44 inches.