Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/397

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xiv MEINDERT HOBBEMA 383 Sm. suggests inaccurately that this was identical with the picture of the Pieter Caauw sale, 1768 (98). Sales. L. B. Coders, Amsterdam, August 7, 1811, No. 30 (4100 florins, Muller). G. Muller, Amsterdam, April 2, 1827, No. 25 (13,075 florins). In the collection of Baron Verstolk van Soelen, The Hague, 1835 (Sm.) and 1846 catalogue, No. 21 ; sold as a whole in 1846 to T. Baring, H. Mild- may, and J. Loyd (afterwards Lord Overstone). In the collection of Lord Overstone, London. In the collection of Lady Wantage, London, 1905 catalogue, No. 103. 87. THE WATER-MILL. Sm. 72. A wooded landscape, with a clump of trees in front on the right bank of a mill-stream. In the middle distance is a mill amid trees, with a group of cottages. Beyond the mill is an open space in full sunlight. On the left is a bank with rushes, a fallen tree, and a fence. A woman in a blue skirt and white bodice leads a cow into the stream, with a man driving it from behind ; this group is in the manner of A. van de Velde. To the right, on a road leading to the ford, are a man and a boy ; these figures are by Hobbema himself. Grey cloudy sky. Waagen remarked that it had once been a very fine picture, but that it was not in a good condition, as the foreground and trees had darkened. An "excellent picture" (Sm.). Signed in full on the left, and dated 1667 ; canvas, 39 inches by 57 inches. Engraved by R. Earlom. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1882, No. 62 ; and at the Hudson - Fulton Celebration, Metropolitan Museum, New York, 1909, No. 51. In the collection of Lord Trevor, 1783. Sale. Lady Hampden, London, April 16, 1834 (^1044 : 155., Woodin). In the collection of John Walter, Bearwood, 1835 (Sm.). In the possession of the London dealer Thomas Lawrie. In the collection of Sir Edgar Vincent, Esher. In the collection of J. Pierpont Morgan, New York. 88. THE WATER-MILL. An undershot water-mill stands in the left centre beyond a stream filling the left half of the foreground. The mill-wheel is fixed in a timber staging which connects the mill with the right bank. In the right foreground, near the water, are lofty oaks, with a dog. In the left distance a road leads away through bushes ; on it are two figures, seen from the back. There are ducks on the water. The same mill is represented in 108, of the same year. [Compare 94 and 108.] Signed in full, and dated 1662 ; canvas, 22^ inches by 28^ inches. Exhibited at Copenhagen, 1891, No. 75. In the collection of Claus Christian Berg, MS. catalogue of 1816, No. 138. In the collection of the Crown Prince Christian Frederick, 1825, according to the rough draft of the 1832 catalogue, now in the State Archives. Sale. Caroline Amalie, Copenhagen, April 24, 1882, No. 205 (R. Henriques). In the collection of J. Hage, Nivaa, Denmark, 1908 catalogue, No. 2^9 ; bought in Cologne in 1904.