Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/398

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384 MEINDERT HOBBEMA SECT. 89. THE WATER-MILL. Sm. 53. In front is a road, with fallen trees to the left and, in the right centre, two lofty trees on the bank of a stream. To the left, in the sunlit middle distance, are three under- shot water-mills, with trees to the left of them and more trees to the right. On the bank in front of the nearest mill are two figures with a dog. In front of the farthest mill are a man on a bridge and a grey horse and cart. To the right of the water, beyond the two trees, are two men ; in the left foreground is a sportsman, whose dog is in the road to the left of the trees. The farthest mill is reflected in the sunlit stream. The figures were wrongly ascribed to A. Storck (as by Sm.) ; they are by Hobbema himself and are in tone with the landscape and not unduly prominent. A master- piece of Hobbema's. [Pendant to 28. Compare 92, and 135.] Signed in full ; canvas, 32 inches by 26 inches. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1818. Not in the Coders sale, Amsterdam, as the Mecklenburg sale-catalogue of 1854 stated. In the Reynders collection, Brussels ; bought with the pendant by the dealer Buchanan in 1817 (for about 900) and sold to George Watson Taylor (for j"55) ; see Buchanan, ii. 303. Sales. G. W. Taylor, London, June 13, 1823 (840, bought in, according to Sm.; but .997, Seguier, according to Memorials of Christie's, i. 106). G. W. Taylor, Erlestoke, 1832 (546, Nieuwenhuys). Nieuwenhuys, London, May 10, 1833 (1008, bought in). Baron von Mecklenburg, Paris, December n, 1854, No. 3 (72,000 francs) ; see Ch. Blanc, ii. 502. In the Louvre, Paris, 1902 catalogue, No. 2404. 90. THE WATER-MILLS. Sm. 71. A broad still pool fills the left foreground. On the farther bank, to the left, stand two under- shot water-mills. The one to the right is seen at an angle, with the front facing the water in sunlight and the end in shadow ; the whole building is reflected in the pool. The other mill, to the left, is almost surrounded by trees which extend to the left edge of the picture. The nearer bank of the pool extends from the centre to the right of the fore- ground. Upon it, in the right centre, is a clump of tall leafy trees, with more trees to the right edge. Through the trees is a sunlit glade, in which stand a man, a woman, and a boy, seen from the back. Beyond the glade in the centre of the middle distance is a vista of open country, with a wood to the right. In the right foreground are three men in the shade of the trees. Beside the pool, in shadow, stands an angler. A sunny sky with clouds. Two birds fly over the mills. The same mills occur in 91, 93, and 104. Signed in full on the left ; canvas, 30 inches by 42^ inches. A copy was in a private collection at Neuilly, near Paris, in 1904. Sale. E. A. ]. van den Meersche, Ghent, July 4, 1791. In the Van Saceghem collection, Ghent, 1827 (Sm.). Sales. Saceghem of Ghent, Brussels, June 2, 1851. Th. Patureau, Paris, April 20, 1857, No. 9. Due de Morny, Paris, May 31, 1865, No. 52 (81,000 francs, Dutuit).