Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/444

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430 MEINDERT HOBBEMA SECT. front divides the picture into two parts, both of which are thickly wooded. The right side, which is the narrower, is partly flooded. Signed in full on the right at foot ; panel, 18 inches by 24 inches. In the collection of F. Wright, Lenton Hall. In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer, " Catalogue of 100 Paintings," 1905, No. 15. 236. A WOODED LANDSCAPE WITH A RUINED HOUSE. Sm. 1 8. In the right foreground are the ruined walls of a house. Beyond, to the left, is a clump of old trees on a high bank. Beyond this, again, a bridge leads across a stream to the middle distance. In the left foreground is a pool with reeds. Beyond it, in the middle distance, is a cottage amid sunlit trees, with an open space before it. To the left of the cottage is a vista through trees, with figures. A man with a stick walks towards the left foreground. By the water to the right is an angler. In the right distance a church tower rises amid trees. A larger replica of 214. Signed in full on the left ; panel, 24 inches by 33^ inches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1876. In the collection of Holm Wood, Peterborough. In the collection of William Wells, Redleaf, 1835 (Sm.). Sales. W. Wells, London, May 12, 1848 (.640 : ios., bought in). W. Wells, London, May 20, 1852 (^640 : ios.). W. Wells, London, May 12, 1890 (2835). In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer, " Catalogue of 300 Paintings," 1898, No. 65. Safe. C. T. Yerkes, New York, April 5, 1910, No. 124 No. 43 of the edition de luxe of the catalogue. 237. A Wooded Landscape. Sm. 77. On the right is a wood of stunted trees, with a path, on which are a man, a woman, and a boy. Along the front flows a river, fringed with reeds and bushes. In the middle distance is a cottage amid trees approached by a road which skirts the river and branches out to the distance. On the left are two cottages partly hidden by trees. On the road to the left a man and a woman are walking ; beyond them are two other figures. Sunlight. Described by Sm. from a drawing. 238. A Wooded Landscape with a Traveller seated on a Log. Sm. 1 20. In an open landscape a road leads from the centre foreground over a hill to a cottage partly visible on the left. Within a fence round the cottage are two trees, with linen hanging out to dry. The view to the left is bounded by a wood, in which is a cottage. To the right a man sits on some timber. Beyond him is a fine clump of trees near a cottage. Described by Sm. from a drawing. 239. Cottages in a Wood. A wooded landscape with a stagnant pool in the right foreground. To the left a road leads away into the distance ; a man with a stick in his right hand approaches. On the left