Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/445

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xiv MEINDERT HOBBEMA 43 * side of the road sits a woman conversing with a man and a boy who stand in front of her. To the left of the road is a cottage amid trees partly cut off by the frame. Beyond the pool a road leads from right to left across the picture, and passes into the distant wood. To the right of this road, which is in full sunlight, are two cottages, one at the extreme right and the other in the centre. Between the two cottages a man and a woman walk to the left. Described from a wood-engraving given by Blanc and Emile Michel. 240. Landscape with a River and a Waterfall. At the side, on an uphill road, a post-waggon is attacked by robbers. [Pendant to 247.] Canvas, 26 inches by 32 inches. Sale. Lambert ten Kate, Amsterdam, May 29, 1776, No. 56 (in florins, with pendant, J. Yver). 241. A Hilly Landscape with Trees and a Little Waterfall. The waterfall flows between banks. A traveller rests under a tree. Masterly and very sunny. Panel, 13^ inches by 12 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, May 23, 1798, No. 99 (42 florins, Berkenbosch). 241 . Landscape with Cottages and a Waterfall in front. Figures. Panel, 14 inches by 12 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, April 17, 1809, No. 37 (3 florins 5). 242. Landscape with a Waterfall. Sm. 60. The water rushes between rugged banks and falls in front. Two light trees are on a hill to the left. In the distance, beyond the stream, is a single figure. Panel, II inches by 9 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, 1825 (300 florins). In the collection of R. R. Reinagle, after 1825 (Sm.). 242^7. Landscape with a Waterfall. In the Schleissheim Gallery, 1859 (Parthey, i. 590) ; it is no longer there unless Parthey referred to the " Landscape with a Little Waterfall," No. 869 in the 1905 catalogue, which is by Jacob van Ruisdael (288). 242^. A Wooded Landscape with a Waterfall. In front are rocks and a waterfall. The sun shines brilliantly on the trees and ground. Canvas, n inches by 16 inches. Sale. Munich, September 30, 1874, No. 44. 243. A BRIDGE OVER A STREAM ON THE OUT- SKIRTS OF A WOOD. Sm. 72. A river fills the right half of the foreground. In the centre of the middle distance is a bridge ; a peasant crosses it to the right. Clumps of tall trees fill the left middle distance ; past them go a man in a red coat and blue breeches, and a woman with a yellow apron. To the right, beyond a low wood, are