Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/50

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36 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. qoa. Haarlem and the Neighbourhood. A man with two dogs. 13 inches by 16 inches. Sa&.W. Delafield, London, April 29, 1870 (393 : 155., Rutley). 91. View in the Neighbourhood of Haarlem. Panel, 12 inches by 15 inches. Sale. The widow Van der Wall and others, Amsterdam, March 17, 1874, No. 81. 92. The Haarlem Bleaching-Grounds. In the left foreground is a marshy pool surrounded with trees. A road leads from it up a hill towards the right background. In the middle distance is part of the bleaching-grounds ; large pieces of linen are spread out near cottages, and many persons are at work. In the distance is the town of Haarlem, dominated by the church of St. Bavo. The sky is rilled with great masses of cloud which overshadow almost the whole landscape ; stray sunbeams illumine part of the town and the bleaching-grounds. Signed in full in the left-hand bottom corner ; canvas, 25^ inches by 22 inches. Exhibited at Diisseldorf, 1886, No. 288. Sale. Count Sierstorpff, Berlin, April 19, 1887, No. 67. 93. View of Haarlem from the Dunes. To the left is a clump of oaks. Farther back to the right is another clump of trees. In front two men converse ; one has a red jacket. A few white clouds in a fine blue summer sky. Signed with the monogram ; panel, 35! inches by 22 inches. Sale. J. H. Teixeira de Mattos and others, Amsterdam, November 6, 1894, No. 45. 94. VIEW OF A PLAIN NEAR HAARLEM. A peasant with a child goes over a sandhill in front. In the middle distance are a clump of trees, a church with a churchyard, steeples, and windmills. In the distance is the town of Haarlem. Signed ; 16 inches by 16 inches. Sales. W. Delafield, London, April 29, 1870. Mieville, London, April 29, 1899, No. 80 (^892 : ios.). 95. BLEACHING-GROUND. On the left is a gnarled oak in full leaf. On the right is a sandy bank partly overgrown with vegetation. The bank curves round from the right foreground to the left distance enclosing a small grassy plain, watered by a stream in the left centre. To the right of the stream peasants are busy with large pieces of linen which are spread out to bleach. On the bank, in the right middle distance, is a cottage with a steeply pitched roof. To the left of the cottage are trees seen against the sky. Behind the cottage to the right are hills. Panel, 20 inches by 26^ inches. Bequeathed by Sir John May to the nation in 1847. In the National Gallery, London, 1906 catalogue, No. 44. 96. LANDSCAPE WITH A BLEACHING-GROUND.