Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/51

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xni JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 37 To the left is a windmill ; to the right are a cottage and trees. In front is a piece of water. [Possibly identical with 97.] Signed in full in the right centre j panel. In the collection of C. T. D. Crews, London. 97. A BLEACHING-GROUND IN THE DUNES. In the distance are windmills and cottages. The figures are by Ruisdael himself. A good picture. [Possibly identical with 96.] Signed on the right at foot ; a large picture. In the collection of C. T. D. Crews, London. 98. View across a Plain from a Hill. The plain is intersected by canals. In the plain are bleaching -grounds with figures at work. Farther back is a little wood, in the shadow of a cloud, with cottages at the edge. In the distance is a large wood above which rises a church tower. In the left foreground is a cottage. On a sandhill to the right a sportsman shows his companion a hare ; near them are two dogs. If the picture is genuine, it has been completely repainted, like 99. [Possibly both are by Van Kessel. Pendant to 99.] Signed in full on the right at foot ; canvas, 18 inches by 25 inches. In the Academy of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, 1874 catalogue, No. 534. 99. A Plain with Bleaching -Grounds. On a plain intersected by canals linen and yarn are spread out to bleach. Beyond is a little wood, on the edge of which are cottages to the left, lying in the shadow of a cloud. Beyond the wood stretches a broad plain: On the left, beyond the sandhills, is another wood, with a house-roof rising above it. In the right-hand corner of the foreground is a sportsman on horseback with three dogs ; to the left is a peasant with a stick on his shoulder. [Pendant to 98 j see note to that picture.] Canvas, 21 inches by 25 inches. In the Academy of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, 1874 catalogue, No. 535. 99#. A Bleaching-Ground. Sale. Haarlem, April 12, 1740, No. 79. 99^. A Valley in the Dunes, with a Bleaching -Ground for Linen and Yarn. Panel, 21 inches by 27 J inches. Sale. T. Hellinx, Leyden, April 6, 1778, No. 29 (50 florins, Stokhuijsen). 99<r. View of the Dunes with Bleaching-Grounds. Trees and cottages ; a village in the distance. Light and naturally painted. Canvas, 19 inches by 16 inches. Sale. Jan van Dijk, Amsterdam, March 14, 1791, No. 47 (185 florins, C. S. Roos). 100. View in the Environs of Haarlem. Sm. 139. In front are sandhills. On the right are cottages, in front of which linen is spread out to bleach. On the left are masses of trees, cottages, and a church.