Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/509

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xv ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE 495 Arcadian herdsman who stands behind her, leaning against a monument. Two cows are in the water in front. To the left are three sheep and a lamb. " A fine example of the master's most finished style " (Sm.). [Com- pare 125*7. Possibly identical with 131.] Signed in full on the base of the urn, and dated 1669; canvas, 12 inches by 1 6 inches. Engraved by Kobell. Possibly in the collection of the Elector Palatine Johann Wilhelm, who died 1716, in Diisseldorf (see Van Gool, ii. 562). In the Mannheim Gallery. In the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1904 catalogue, No. 489. 128. Landscape with Cattle and a Woman washing her Feet. The woman is in blue and white. Near her are a brown cow and some sheep. In the style of Dirck van Bergen, but probably by A. van de Velde himself. [Compare 125^.] In the Nimes Museum, Gower collection, No. 187. 129. HERDSMEN AND CATTLE AT A STREAM. A man sits with his legs crossed in the water washing his feet. Behind him are a cow and a goat. To the left are three sheep. A dark picture. Panel, 12 inches by 15 inches. In the collection of Sir Frederick Cook, Bart., Richmond, No. 118. 130. LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE AND A HERDS- MAN WASHING HIS FEET. A herd of cows, with sheep and goats, repose by a stream in front. On the bank to the left a withered tree stands beside a tree in full leaf. In the right centre sits the herds- man, bending forward and washing his feet ; his left foot is in the stream. A lamb is drinking near him. The man and the cattle are reflected in the water. Beyond are wooded hills j to the right is a ruin with several embrasures. Canvas, i6| inches by 22| inches. A study in red chalk for the herdsman is in the collection of Victor de Stuers, The Hague. Bought for Vienna from the Mannheim dealer Arteria in 1805. In the Imperial Gallery, Vienna, 1906 catalogue, No. 1331. 131. A Woman washing- her Feet, and a Flute- Player. In front a red spotted cow and a dull yellow cow stand in a sunlit stream. To the left of them a woman sits washing her feet. Near her a man rests against a stone playing the flute. At his feet lie sheep ; others are in the distance. A fine landscape. [Possibly identical with 127.] Panel, 14 inches by 16 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, June 4, 1766. 132. Landscape with a Woman washing her Feet. In the distance a landscape with cottages, in front of which cattle are standing or lying down. On the left is a stream ; a herdsman is resting, and a woman washes her feet. Near them is a great tree, beside which stands a bay horse. [Compare 134.]